Sunday, May 17, 2015

Praying through Cancer, May 2015

May 31, 2015...
"Braden was prayed for at my church today. Please know many here care, and ask me regularly for updates concerning him. Love from Canada."  Tanya Scardera

"We are praying for him in Port Isabel, TX"  Karen Jai Shockey Eis

May 30, 2015..
"Wanted to share with you something that's been developing over the last few weeks...Braden experienced hearing loss in his left ear which led to a second MRI that showed his tumor had grown. This led to the radiation that his radiation oncologist said saved his life. We asked for prayer for his hearing-the doctor thought it might be damaged by the radiation due to the location of the tumor. A few weeks into radiation, the doctor looked in his ears and said he had a buildup of wax in the left side. He gave us oil to break up the wax, which we used and cleared out his ear. From that point, his hearing on the left side has been completely restored! We don't know whether the wax caused temporary hearing loss, or whether God miraculously healed his hearing (and I don't feel that those two possibilities are mutually exclusive) any case, the hearing loss saved his life, and seems to have reversed. For those that don't know, Braden is a musician, and hearing loss could be a significant quality of life issue for him. So, we press on, awed by God's goodness and holding on to hope for complete healing and restoration!"  Erin

May 30, 2015...
"Hang in there. From a team mate of BJ at Thousand Oaks High School, then on to Alabama. I'm keeping track of your progress" Chip Burke

May 30, 2015...
Today we had a special guest arrive at Madi's grad party!

May 28, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, thank You for being present in this storm--with us, in us, around us--most of all FOR us. Anoint us with Joy. Fill us with Peace. May we be known as Hope.
We would not choose this road we now travel, You have allowed it. Now Father, give us what we need to travel with GRACE, confident in Your promises, trusting You for every detail along the Way. May our friends, our community--and those we happen to encounter through this storm see You through our suffering-in-hope and declare--"God is Awesome."

" ...20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3.20,21 NASB

Through Christ, let it be.

May 27, 2015...
"Since receiving his nausea meds last night about 8 pm, Braden has slept and slept. He woke briefly, and was feeling pretty blue. The good news is that we are being discharged today! Hooray! Please pray for my boy. Pray that God will fill his heart with hope and joy. Pray that in His infinite goodness and mercy, God would continue to heal his mouth and that he would not suffer a relapse of mucositis (mouth sores). Pray that God would heal his body and restore him to health. Thank you, friends!"  Erin

May 26, 2015...
"Braden had a good trip to the clinic today. Blood work was good and mouth continues to heal. We enjoyed breakfast out on the way, and are now admitted while he enjoys some Taco Bell and waits for chemo. So far, so good!"  Erin

May 26, 2015...
"God is good. We moved the 'special meal 's Monday to give Braden's mouth time to 'heal tremendously' (see Braden's prayer request May 23rd on this Timeline)--and hosted a movie night on Sunday--EVERY meal is special these days. Well, he ate a double helping of meat-loaf on Sunday and we enjoyed the "Book of Eli." Then in round two, on Monday, he enjoyed barbecue Spare Ribs and Tips (6 to 8 ribs and all the fixens) and we watched 'Man of Steel.' Braden, Super Man has nothing on you--You, my dear grandson, are THE man. Delighted!"  Grandpa Ben

May 25, 2015...
"Braden had blood work today, and his blood counts are fantastic. His doctor said that he has completely recovered from his last chemo and is ready for the next round. So, we head down to Indy tomorrow morning for a 2 day round of chemo. Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement! We couldn't do this without all of the support from our family and friends!"  Erin

May 23, 2015..
"Please pray that my mouth sores heal tremendously over the night so that I can enjoy a special meal with my family tomorrow"  Braden

"Definitely will do, Braden!!! So very glad that you are home....even that's good medicine!! God is so powerful!!!!!"  Billie Freeze

May 23, 2015...
"Now, I get to say 'me too' when my bball coach says 'I used to be able to dunk.'"  Braden 

May 23, 2015...
Braden and Quincy  "Enjoying being back home out of the hospital"  Braden

May 23, 2015...
UPDATE: Braden is now enjoying his new normal in the comfort of his HOME, room, with his musical instruments, friends and family. 

Father-in-heaven we are grateful and now ask that You would make this a weekend filled with the very best life can deliver to the Hartman's. Deliver them kindness, laughter, love, delight, discovery, energy, enthusiasm, hope...and an intimate awareness of Your abiding presence. We rejoice in this confidence...
"I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not allow your foot to slip;
He who keeps you will not slumber." Psalm 121.1-3

Through Christ, let it be.

"And for parents dealing with the stress and burdens...
Hebrews 12:2-4New International Version (NIV)2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Bob Brownlee

May 23, 2015...
"May this weekend be one of Peace, and Rest. Enjoyment of Family time together...xxxx D."  Danny Young

May May 21, 2015...
2.20pm: Docs are concerned about infection. His White BC count is down. Looks like he'll be in for at least 48 hours till blood culture comes back positive/negative..and so it goes. Laura reports he woke this a.m. and declared "I feel good this morning, text my mom--tell her I'm not depressed like I usually feel when I'm in the hospital."

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1.2-4

What a promise, what a God. In His grip--together!

May 21, 2015...
"Please pray for Matt and Erin today. They are physically and emotionally exhausted. Yesterday Braden went from having a good day and being able to visit his class at school to being taken by ambulance to the hospital. Last night/this morning the exhaustion was very evident on their faces. Braden is currently a patient at Memorial Hospital and praying he will be able to come home soon."  Grandma Ali Hartman

May 21, 2015...
"Not sure what the nurses are thinking coming in when we're watching The Walking Dead :)"   Matthew 

May 21, 2015...
1 AM update: Braden was complaining of shortness of breath, headache and chest pains. We immediately called 911 and rushed him to the ER. Turns out he had a huge buildup of mucus in his throat that was making it hard for him to breathe and causing him pain in his chest. They are keeping him overnight for observation and to make sure there's nothing else going on. Praise God that it appears to be a minor issue and not something more serious. Please pray for our strength and endurance through this as we are growing very tired and for Braden… That he Will have a very short stay in the hospital and be able to enjoy a few normal days at home.

May 20, 2015...
Just spoke with Erin, 9.40pm. Braden has just been transported to Memorial Hospital via Ambulance. Don't know what the cause his symptoms might be--Docs aren't taking chances. On my way to Memorial now--thanks for praying.

May 20, 2015... 
Braden returns to Westside Middle School for a visit--made his day--with Grandpa Baier.

May 19, 2015...
"Spending the day with Braden...Gabriella sure is loving all this cousin time. He even taught her to how to draw!"  Aunt Miranda Baier

May 18, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, make this a stellar week for the Hartman's. Through Christ, let it be.

May 18, 2015
"I wanted to post a quick update on the fundraiser--with two weeks left we are only $450 short of our goal of $12,000. That is amazing! People have been so generous and it makes my heart happy every time I see the amount inch closer to the goal--because I know that this will make a real difference in helping to take some of the financial burden off of this wonderful family. The link to the fundraiser is below--hopefully we can take this over the finish line!"  Lori Schuster VanderLende who headed up a $12,000 fund raising effort on

May 17, 2015...
"Braden woke up pain free this morning. Thank you for your prayers!" Erin

May 16, 2015...
Father-in-heaven as we contend with cancer for mastery over Braden's health, we face setback after setback. We've learned that this is the nature of the fight which we have engaged...we ask for endurance to run this marathon--to keep picking ourselves up off the mat and pressing forward in faith, confident that there is none like You--that suffering children are safe in Your arms, that healing comes from Your hand. So Father, we knock--we seek--we ask--touch Braden's body and empower him to take a massive step forward this week--his strength, his vitality, his outlook--grant to him the ability to enjoy, to savor, a series of "deep-breaths" that will restore, and re-engage him--he is weary. Carry him to a place of safety and relief. In this period of respite, give us insight for wrestling with this disease that we might stand firm, unmoved, unshaken by the battles that lie in front of us. May Your mercy flow like a river around us, refreshing us, transporting us to a higher place. Through Christ, let it be.

May 16, 2015...
"This song came across Pandora this morning, and was so encouraging to me. I hope you find encouragement for whatever things you're facing!"  Erin

May 16, 2015...
"After much prayer, I have decided to fast and pray for Braden and family every Wednesday. I pray everyday, but will add fasting, from sun up to sun down, only liquids. If anyone would like to join me, please do so privately. I will do so until Braden is cancer free. Sometimes more than just praying is called for. God Bless you all."  DY CO

May 16, 2015...
"While spending time with the family tonight, the "reality" of their lives set in. Watching Braden endure his gtube feedings/hydration was hard, but watching the nightly routine of medicines was even harder. This has become their new "norm," one that no one would wish upon their child. Yet, Matt and Erin had comedy and gracious spirits throughout. It just hit me again how much this family needs our daily prayers and support. Day in and day out, this wouldn't be easy. Prayers not only for Braden, for strength and courage to face each day, but also for Matt and Erin (and Kellen too), for encouragement, grace, and strength to take care of Braden's needs without weary. Guys- YOU. AMAZE. ME. God has you in the palm of his hand and will carry you, but just know when you need it, there are HUNDREDS of us willing to stand in the gap to help. Love you guys!"    Kara Sears ðŸ’—

May 16, 2015...
"Braden is having some pain that is typical of the treatment he just finished. But, if it doesn't improve tomorrow, he'll have to go back to the hospital. Please join us in praying that Braden's body can heal without further intervention!"  Erin

Father-in-heaven as we contend with cancer for mastery over Braden's health, we face setback after setback. We've learned that this is the nature of the fight which we have engaged...we ask for endurance to run this marathon--to keep picking ourselves up off the mat and pressing forward in faith, confident that there is none like You--that suffering children are safe in Your arms, that healing comes from Your hand. So Father, we knock--we seek--we ask--touch Braden's body and empower him to take a massive step forward this week--his strength, his vitality, his outlook--grant to him the ability to enjoy, to savor, a series of "deep-breaths" that will restore, and re-engage him--he is weary. Carry him to a place of safety and relief. In this period of respite, give us insight for wrestling with this disease that we might stand firm, unmoved, unshaken by the battles that lie in front of us. May Your mercy flow like a river around us, refreshing us, transporting us to a higher place. Through Christ, let it be.

May 15, 2015...
"We are checking out today between 4:00 - 5:00! Just in time to stop on the way home for steak... Per Braden's request :) Braden has done so well with his treatment that they were able to subtract 4 hours from each day which moved up his check out almost 1 full day! The doctor was so impressed by Braden's strength and increased healing since she saw him last. She said that he looked dramatically better than he did a month ago and clinically all signs are pointing to great scans in a couple weeks! God is good!!! We are so thankful that He is carrying Braden and our family with His loving arms through this process. Thank you all for your continued prayers!"  Matthew

May 14, 2015...
Father-in-heaven thank You for Mercy, for Grace--for bringing us through heart-break and fear and grief and anger and exhaustion and confusion and...hidden moments of distress as we lashed out at You for allowing cancer to sweep into our lives and devour this season in Braden's adolescence. We ask that you fill our hearts with calm-delight, knowing the Savior has invited us to come and lay our burdens at His feet--so now we bring heart-break, fear, grief, anger, exhaustion, confusion, distress, along with any "anchor" or "strong-hold" the enemy would employ against us and give it ALL to You--because we are Your children and we can. We embrace your promise...

28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11.28-30

Through Christ, let it be.

May 13, 2015...
"We are about halfway through Braden's chemo round and his spirits seem to be lifting slightly. He mainly spent yesterday catching up on sleep. However, he awoke to a couple bright spots... His little wish of a new Xbox1 arrived and we were able to set it up in the room. And.. He continued to get compliments from nurses and doctors (that have not seen him in a month) on his appearance and his drawing skills. :) Pray that he wakes up on the bright side today and can begin the day thinking about all the Lord has done!"  Matthew

May 11, 2015...
"Please keep Braden in your prayers this week as we are back for a week long chemo visit. Pray first for his mood. Braden's not feeling great about being back in the hospital or wanting to be here for a week! Pray that he can enjoy some relaxation and that it goes quickly. Also, pray that the chemo will do its job with few or zero side affects. This will be his first time with these 2 chemo drugs."  Matthew

Father-in-heaven fill Braden's hospital room with Your awesome presence. Carry Braden where his will doesn't want to go--produce in him joy that transcends the natural response to this hard road he walks. Give all those who invest in him this week compassion that sees past his "being cranky" or quiet or in a funk. Fill his life with smiles, encouragement, sweetness and in him--contentment; to wait and to suffer in hope because of Your promise never to forsake him. Give him an understanding heart and insight about who we are as Your fragile children and who You are as our "Abba--daddy" that will equip him to make hard lives easier for seasons to come. Matthew has large shoes to fill without Erin "right there." Give him wisdom, rest and confidence. Love our two guys extravagantly this week... Through Christ, let it be.

May 11, 2015...
"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."
Zephaniah 3:17
May 11, 2015...
Father-in-heaven prepare us for the week of treatment and healing ahead. We trust matter what.

Chris Tomlin - Sovereign
A son on Burning Lights

May 8, 8.36pm, 2015...

"Braden had a checkup today with his oncologist. His blood counts continue to improve, and his mouth is healing. He was able to eat both Five Guys AND IHOP today! Looking forward to enjoying time with family this weekend before he heads down to Indy Monday for chemo. Now that his radiation is over, his doctors feel the chemo will be much easier on his body. Thank you for your prayers!"   Erin

May 5, 7.57am, 2015...

Laura and I, Erin's parents, want to express our thanks to everyone who made Saturday's Jazz Cafe such a wonderful day. So many people serving to make it a great success in every way--registration, set-up, clean-up, MUSICIANS. The participants, the generous gifts given for the silent auction, those who purchased items, all the attendees, the foods classes at EMHS, the entire EMHS teaching cohort and administration. Then too, A special shout out to Kurt Weimer and Kara Sears for making it all happen.

Thank you all for loving our kids and grandkids so selflessly. We will do all we can to play it forward. Profoundly grateful.

Us two old Baiers.

May 8,  7.32am 2015...
Yesterday was a thrillingly normal day. No new update. Thanks be to God!

May 6, 2015...
"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him." 
Nahum 1:7
May 5, 2015...
Father-in-heaven bring joy to Braden today. Lift his spirit and renew his strength that he might be able to fully experience the sublime pleasure of "home," family and friends. He has suffered serial disappointment over the last few months and absorbed such stress physically. Lift him out from the distress that seeks to hold him in its grip. Do not allow the accusations of hopelessness the enemy hurls at him to stand, or establish any deceitful morsel of credibility. Do for all of us what You did for Jeremiah as he lamented his difficult estate, lift us Father and write these words on our hearts... "22 The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." Shalom L'Chaim, through Christ, let it be. (Lamentations 3.22.23 NASB)

May 4, 2.10pm, 2015...
Braden is recovering well. No sign of a definitive bacterial infection, and he continues to receive IV antibiotics, as well as some antivirals. He is fever free for 36 hours, so if all goes well, he will go home tomorrow. He's sleeping the day away right now, while his healthy cells regenerate. His chemo that was scheduled for today has been postponed to next Monday to let his body heal. As of this morning, he has also gained 7 pounds in the last week! So thankful for his doctor's foresight in placing a g-tube. God is good!  Erin

May 4, 7.23am, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, make this a GRACE day for the Hartman's.   For Matthew's first day back in the classroom in seven weeks--pure joy.  For Erin's vigil at Memorial--tranquil confidence.  For Kellen doing what every 9 year old does on Monday's--security.  For Braden--healing.  "Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom (Psm 90.12)."  Through Christ. Let it be.

May 4, 3.24pm, 2015...
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like Eagles: They shall run and not walk."
Isaiah 40.31
May 3, 12.04pm, 2015...
"Thank you for your prayers! Braden is fever free since 8 am, hoping that will continue! He will be on IV antibiotics until Monday night, but so far, no definite diagnosis of infection. The doctor adjusted some meds to help with his mouth sores and pain. He is also very anemic, and will be receiving a transfusion today to help with that. His doctor was amazed that he hadn't needed a transfusion yet based on how much chemo he's had. Truly, an answer to prayer that he finished radiation with no delays!! We will be released to go home after he is fever free for 24 hours, and has finished his antibiotics. He did have chemo scheduled for tomorrow, but that will probably be delayed for a week."  Erin

May 3,  12.00am 2015...
"Braveheart family please pray for Braden. He is on his way to memorial hospital with a temperature of 101. Please pray for quick admittance and healing tonight." Matthew

Father-in-heaven we are up against it. We wait on You. Our strength is fragile BUT our hope is steadfast We cry out to You. Come to Braden as the Lion-of-Judah, the One who has conquered sin and the sting of death and destroy this beast that seeks to take his life. Do not permit fear to steal our joy and our confidence. Give us boldness to declare Your sovereignty over this battle we have engaged. Give us faith and discipline to remain on our knees marshalling weapons in heavenly places, taking down strongholds that have been established against us. Give us endurance to finish. Give us wisdom to trust in Your promise--You will not forsake or abandon us--and surrender our fear to that promise. Raise Braden to full strength and a bright future. Through Christ, let it be.

May 1, 2015...
"Braveheart family please pray for Braden today. He his mouth sores have returned and is having some side effects from the chemo this week. Pray for a good day. We were planning to go to school to see friends and teachers. He would really be lifted up by this. Pray for comfort and strength today."  Matthew

Father-in-heaven, grant Braden strength for the day and grace for this moment. Use him today as he reaches out to classmates, teacher and administrators. Be strong through his weakness and bless him with relief from pain. May he have the endurance he needs to embrace the day. Through Christ, let it be.

May 1, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, we are preparing for a weekend filled with joy. Celebrating G's birth with family, celebrating the generosity of friends, colleagues and new friends at the Jazz Cafe; rejoicing over the progress Braden has made....Make this an amazing pause in our lives....Give us the gift of vision to reflect on what it means to be Yours and determination to live our lives intentionally, transformationally. Empower us to be kind, gentle, compassionate and generous. Through Christ, let it be.

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