Thursday, January 11, 2018

Amazing Grace.

Rose from my slumber to discover redemption.
Not earned, not deserved, not asked for; 

Generous, vast resolve so effective.
Graciously given, Freely received.

Perspective transformed, purpose revealed
Hope a reality, thirsty no more.
Graciously given, Freely received.

Remembers no chapter,
holds hostage no person
Not a place or thing, not a judgement; a gift.

Graciously given, Freely received.

New every morning.
Pure like dew, refreshing, free.
Unbounded, complete, matter settled: 

NOT guilty. Set free from my prison.
Graciously given, Freely received.

Mercy, a flood.

Graciously given, Freely received.
Now,  freely give.

Do. Love. Walk.
Live it well...M6.8 bN

Monday, January 8, 2018

Where can I run?

Can swift water outrun its flow?
Can darkness swallow the sun?

Where can I run…
His lovingkindness not transform?
His watchcare not attend?
His provision not sustain?
His strength not carry?

Can swift water outrun its flow,
Can darkness swallow the sun?

The name of the Lord is a strong fortress;
the godly run to Him and are safe.
Lay your burden down,
Run, to the Everlasting arms.

Do. Love. Walk.
Live it well...M6.8 bN