Saturday, May 12, 2012

To the women in my life...

This weekend, our country honors Mothers...

I want to extend that "honor" to a host of women God has used in my life; too many to name them all, but these stand out. My grandmother, Mary--who stood in the gap for me; my mom, Pat, who loved and raised me; my "little" sister, Tamara, who shared my childhood with me and is now such a good friend; My Aunt Carolyn who rescued me and cousin, Patty, who is a "big-sister" to me. A select few of my Friends "Mom's" who took time to invest in me like I was their son; teachers who brought out the best in me; my mother-in-law who was a part of my life for 42 years; my daughter, an inspiration for me; friends who've believed in me, encouraged me and stood with me through the intersections and storms of life; partners in ministry who've shared a common vision with me.

You are a tapestry of faithfulness and virtue. Thank you for the part you've played in making my life better, and me a better man.

Mary Patricia B.
Patricia B.
Tamara M.
Carolyn C.
Patty C.
Janice C.
Erin H.
Miss Arlene
Mrs. Rattray
Mrs. McCann
Ruth B.
Sheila Z.
Betty C.
Patty C.
Marilyn B.
Norma Z.
Stana M.
Carlene L.
Carol S.
Karen H.
Deb M.
Miriam R.
Becky Wag.
Ruthann L.
Connie S.
Nancy K.
Vicki J.
Beth L.
Jan F.
Lori V.
Jan K.

Finally, I honor my best friend, "for life" companion of 39 years, mother to our wonderful children and my most faithful prayer warrior.  My lovely bride who has refused to give up on me; I love you...
...Thanks to all of you.

What Moms do...

God makes the day.  
Family makes the day a joy. 
Mom's make the day a ministry.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Good day.

Good day.

Laura and I worked outside at our office building all day.  Cleaned, stained and opened the fountain, transplanted a really big Hydrangea and three Hostas...cleaned up the beds and put down our the rubber snakes (keep birds away); scrubbed the oxidation (looks like salt) off the brick finishes on the building (only happens on the North side of the building).  Packed up and drove over for a drive-by of our daughters home (in escrow) and found an open door, NICE place--so pleased for them.  Locked it up tight and grabbed a burger and salad.  Then, collapsed back at home.

Yes, it's been a good day.