Saturday, January 5, 2013

How Democracy ends...

While I don't believe the answer to our education challenge in America is to turn the keys back over to the unions, this is a clarion call to citizens; it's time we take the education of our Kids back from private and public politicians--regardless of who they might be, who they work for, or their party affiliation. It's been hijacked and demagogued by adults, labor AND management; they have all forgotten who matters--KIDS, and what's at stake--THE FUTURE OF THE NATION.

Follow this link..."This is how Democracy ends: Apology from a former teacher"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Don't waste another minute...

"This So Called Love" by MercyMe

I can be there for you when it can't get much harder
I can cover your head when life starts to rain
I can hold on tight when you feel like you're falling
I can bread crumb the path when you've lost your way
I can make you laugh when the whole world is crying
I can build you up when you're broken in shame.
But if all that we do is absent of Jesus,
     then this so called love, is completely in vain...
2013...Don't waste another minute.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What are you doing with yours?

Quick thought: we tend to get what we aim at;  
good, bad, indifferent, unhealthy.

The "cause/effect" relationship between the way we think and the outcomes we achieve is uncanny.  A "mind," even a poorly developed one, is a powerful force.

God blessed us all with "beautiful minds."  Having been fashioned in His image gives us access to resources beyond "the natural" built right into our DNA!  Our minds are, of course, the most unique aspect of our beings.  So...what are you doing with yours?  It's January 1.  A great time for resolve to retool the way we think and as result, the way we experience life.  Here's my list for 2013:

Give up painful thinking.
Seek balance in your life.
Look for the best in people.
Refuse to think like a victim.
Go to and get out of bed earlier.
Don't allow yourself to be a cynic.
Transform obstacles into opportunities.
Refuse to associate with negative people.
Find ways to add value to other peoples lives.
Read good books that make you feel enriched.
Begin something that makes you feel challenged.
Volunteer and serve in some fashion, some place.
Mentor someone younger and/or less experienced.
Don't participate in throwing others "under the bus."
Find someone to mentor you; be accountable to someone.
Make the effort to grow your intellect and expand your perspective. 
Journal...keep it simple and short; then watch that discipline begin to expand.   

Finally, and most significantly...

"Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives.  Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.  And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks through him to God the father."    Colossians 4.16,17 NLT