Good Life.

Most of my life, I've been an enigma; it's hard to understand, and difficult to explain. :)

SoCal kid, who absolutely loves my "adopted home" in Indiana (45 minutes from the "3rd Coast" Lake Michigan). Twenty Four years a Pastor, last 15 years built an Insurance and financial services business. Student and a Teacher. Advocate of Social Justice built on Conservative values. Firm political convictions with a hunger to stretch my intellect and expand my perspectives. Jewish ancestry, and Christian by personal choice and conviction. Comfortable with people and energized by solitude. Respect for tradition with a drive to think "outside the box." I can't diagram a sentence but I'm a good "Wordsmith." I can't draw, read music or play an insturment, but I have a passion for the Arts.

Married 44 years to Laura, my lovely wife. Wonderful family; Erin and Matthew--Braden and Kellen; Joseph and Miranda--Gabriella and Grayson.

Experienced a life-change encounter with the Living God at age 15, met the other love of my life three weeks later, married her at age 19, became a father at age 23 and grandfather at age 47; lived in five States, enjoyed three careers, came of age in the turbulent 60's, survived the apathy of the 70's, was blessed by the rebirth of optimisim in the 80's, saw a nation changed by the greed of the 90's and terror in the first decade of 21st of the century. I saw man walk the surface of the moon in 1969, bought my first computer in 1984, logged onto the internet for the first time in 1994 and became a cell phone customer in 1995; opened an email account in 1998, bought my first Blackberry in 2002, caved-in to Facebook, discovered Skype, converted to Mac and launched a blog in 2010, plugged into iPhone in 2011, no longer on the "dark side."

But through all this runs a story of God's grace; transforming me, using me, teaching me and most amazingly, loving me with an everlasting (undeserved) love.  When I die, I pray my legacy will be my family and those people I've come along side saying, "I love Jesus more."  

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. It's a wonderful life (most of the time). 

Live it well...bN tGit

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