Sunday, October 22, 2023

A Different Perspective...

We now find ourselves living in the shadow of the most contentious Presidential Election since Adams v. Jefferson--a long time.  

Like so many, I am concerned about the long-term impact this election will most certainly have on the Nation my grand and great-grandchildren will inherit.  So much is at stake; the economy, our standing in the world, energy, health care, peace, terror, and of course--our culture. 

Our culture is changing--devolving into the chaos of a-morality.  Many People of effective faith have dutifully written their Senators and Representatives demanding action.  They are good culture warriors.  

I have a problem with this.  The "culture war" is the wrong campaign.  It's a battle for minds.  People of effective faith are called to battle for hearts.    

In this process, we see that people of effective faith have been seduced also; the culture war is self-serving.  It's an attempt to preserve and re-create a world less hostile, less chaotic, and less wrong-headed for our benefit.  It's about preserving our values, protecting our children, maintaining equilibrium and economy so we can live out our God-informed vision of what our lives should be like.  This is normal; it's also's the way most humans think and act.

That's not the vision people of effective faith have been called to by God. We have been called to justice, to selfless living, to compassionate action; to loving the unreached citizens of this world as God does.  When people of effective faith do that, people with no hope notice. They understand that this kind of concern is counter-intuitive.  It's not the way normal people live; they want to know "why?"   

Peter's first letter to the church contains instructions for us 
"...but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."   1 Peter 3.15 ESV

Peter informs us that we win the world, and transform culture, one heart at a time, gently, and respectfully.  It can't be done with legislation.  We don't win them with constitutional amendments.  The silver bullet isn't packing the courts with the "right kind of thinkers."  It's done by living alongside people who aren't like children of the King, who don't share His values, and act in ways that reflect how radically confused people without effective faith are.

When people of effective faith insert themselves into the culture in a transformative way, hearts begin to change.  When hearts begin to change, minds begin to change.  When hearts and minds begin to change, culture begins to change.  When people with no hope begin to see faith, hope, and love in their neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces--they pay attention!  They realize they are thirsty, hungry, and without hope. They realize there's more, and they want to know where they can embrace heart at a time.

For too many people of effective faith, living this way just isn't something we want to do.  We're more comfortable on church properties that create space between the world without effective faith and our world of grace.  We shield our children from the world without effective faith in ways that create fear and contempt in their hearts. We forget what life without grace is like, and we become entrenched in a battle for minds using the least effective means available to us--the wisdom and power of the world system.  

Little wonder we seem befuddled, put off by who Jesus described as "sheep without a shepherd."  They aren't like us, they don't think or act like us.  They are driven by different values, often by different passions.  Yet, they carry the same godly imprint on their souls that people of effective faith reflect...we are all created in His image.  We are all loved with unconditional love.  

We all have access to the same unmerited overflow of His grace.  We are all sinners in need of a Savior.  

These lost sheep, these precious souls, are not the enemy.  They are victims in Satan's attempt to foil the purpose of God in the redemption of all people.  That purpose begins with a battle for hearts...and minds will follow.  We win hearts when in the power of the Spirit, we come alongside these unlovely people and their messy lives and seek to serve them in compassion, with sacrifice through love.

One heart, one mind... gently, respectfully, powerfully.

One life.
Burn bright...