Tuesday, December 9, 2014

No Mulligan's

We don't get many "do overs" in life, but thank God, every 24 hours we get a chance to start over.

Make the most of this GRACE day.

bN tGit

Monday, December 8, 2014

Emmanuel our Safety-net

"The Incarnation of Christ serves as a glorious reminder that God’swillingnessto clean things up is infinitely bigger than our willingness to mess things up."

Not only DO we "mess things up" we don't have the ABILITY or the PROCLIVITY to get things right! Not to worry, the God of the universe has our backs. The Word became flesh and dwellt among us. Emanuel.

Merry Xristos.

bN tGit

Sunday, December 7, 2014


December 7, 1941. 
   2400 dead. 1200 wounded.
   18 US Ships and 300 planes destoryed or damaged.

"A date that will live in infamy"   President Roosevelt

"I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in him a terrible resolve."  Admiral Yamamoto

Both men were right; the world was rescued from an "Axis of evil," but not before millions lost their lives and the planet was gashed by nuclear weapons. 

America, an idea that produces passion to sacrifice.
Freedom isn't free.

bN tGit