Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's wrong with this picture?

 I'm perplexed.
     President Obama makes no secret of his contempt for American Citizens (can anyone say sarcasm) who don't share his vision for the nation and American Allies who won't knuckle under and go along to get along.  He routinely excoriates both; he implicitly questions their integrity, their character, their motives and their intelligence.  At the same time he disdains our nation in the courts of other nations; sits idly by as Iran builds weapons of mass destruction and sponsors terrorism around the globe; minces words over the murderous behavior of N. Korea; demagogues issues related to Health Care and the Economy and shamelessly throws people, share holders, institutions, leaders, Corporations and Insurance Companies under the bus.
     It isn't that he doesn't like old institutions, big money, back room politicians and powerful Lobbies.  He consistently celebrates union bullies--cuts closed door deals exempting them from his vision for a new order and panders for their votes and money. 
     Just what is it people see in our President?  I'd really like to know.  Some might say "He's committed to justice and equity."  What about justice and equity for the unborn?   Others weigh in and say "He fights for the small guy, the underdog."  If you subscribe to the adage that "misery loves company" then I'll stipulate that point to you...he's certainly added to the rolls of those in misery.    
     When it's all said and done it really is about vision.  The fact is, his vision for the nation clearly appeals to many Americans, though I suspect far fewer today than in November 2008.  His vision is a radical departure from where we've come from as a nation.  A vision that "dumbs down" the wealth of this nation while at the same time expanding entitlements and those receiving entitlements; thereby expanding the voter base that is the ticket to power in Government.  This vision brokers more government services, programs and entitlements in exchange for votes and power...who would dare bite the hand that feeds you? 
     The irony of this perverse swap is that the power brokers, in this case the Democrats, become the elite ruling class in a nation owing its very existence to their whims and  fancies.  This of course flies in the face of the rallying cry of the Dem's "we are the party of the people...the little guy."    They don't empower anyone, they enable anyone willing to trade a vote.  
     So, what's wrong with this picture?  Co-dependence on a massive scale that crushes the very spirit that has made this nation great, inter-dependent, entrepreneurial and free; 21st century feudalism.
     In 148 days we will have a chance to do something about it.  Till then we wait, hope and pray.  Don't forget to vote.