Saturday, November 23, 2019

Life is fast.

When the road of life is clear and smooth,
too often we miss the beauty 

within our easy grasp.

We gaze ahead with intensity 

through the portal which beckons us, 
"...move quickly along the way!" 
Life waits...just ahead. 

Indeed the journey, 
not the destination 
unravels mystery, transforms confusion; heals pain.
Life is fast; breathe it in...


The Main Thing.

On December 28, 1968 (age 15) I said "yes" to Jesus, and at that moment my life was transformed; 51 years is...a few. I want to be clear, I have, since then, experienced a number of epic failures. Even so, I have endeavored to align my heart with the things that matter to God and sought to be a clear reflection of His empowering presence; it has for the most part been, by His grace, a slow and steady "long obedience in the same direction."

The dynamics of our culture, over my lifetime, could be described as a devolution from "conscience" and evolution to "relevance" as our moral compass. It's ironic that the most extreme expression of the conservative mind, libertarianism, is in many ways the platform upon which progressivism has been constructed. My point is that "systems of thought" (even theological systems of thought) can't change the trajectory of the human spirit.

God does that one person, one decision, at a time. We just don't have the temperament to pull that off. History is filled with movements which morphed into extremism that marginalized human beings, in the name of a "greater good," producing tyranny and crimes against humankind.

It's not my job to save my culture from itself.  
The part I have been given, as a Christ-follower, is to point the people in my sphere of influence to God, who can. 

This is "the main thing" for me. I'm not called to point them to "systems" or movements that will save the day, but to the God of eternity who loves human beings with an everlasting and long-suffering love, a transformative love. He does the formative work in transforming people; this can change the culture.

So then, how can I keep the main thing, the main thing?

  • Be humble. 
  • Be accountable.
  • Love my spouse. 
  • Act as an agent of peace. 
  • Trust in the power of God. 
  • See people the way God sees them.
  • Talk to people about Jesus Messiah.
  • Focus on walking close to God on a daily basis. 
  • Empower my kids and grandkids with a legacy of godliness. 
  • Declare the principles and precepts of God in a loving, inclusive way. 
  • Love unconditionally my enemies and those who might seek to hurt me. 
  • Pray for those raised up as leaders in my church, community, and nation.
Having produced a template to work toward... "12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us (me)." Philippians 3.12-14 NLT

Systems and movements, by their very nature, devolve. God, "is the same yesterday, today and forever." 

I choose God. He produces the change which gives me, gives us all...HOPE.

Life is fast.  Press on.
