Saturday, March 3, 2012

The emperor has no cloths...

The drama that many analysts call "political theatre" has claimed the credibility of star of the show.  Rush Limbaugh's credential as a political-pundit was dead on arrival at the EIB network.

Rush built his chops being a "main-stream" conservative analyst. He has been an incisive and persuasive, if not acerbic, pundit who built a formidable reputation and following since his quiet ascendance in 1988.  However, over the last 7 to 10 years he has operated with an increasingly shrill persona that has marginalized him. One can't have it both ways, main-stream and lunatic fringe.

Rush's self-indulgent rant at the now "darling of liberalism"--Ms. Fluke from Georgetown Law--has made a caricature of him; the "Bill Maher" of the wacked-out right. Unfortunately, it's at the cost of his credibility. Most of the country could care less about what Maher...and now Limbaugh...thinks.  Yes, it's true; Limbaugh could care less about what the country thinks. 

Herein lies the bitter irony; the conservative movement needs that EARLY version of Rush now as never before. That's why progressives are dancing with delight today--Rush had chops and now...not so much.  He's the rock-star that routinely filled stadiums...but now plays the 4H Fair.

This was no Fluke; the emperor has no cloths.