Saturday, November 10, 2012

One and done.

Forty years and counting.  
Where is Deep Throat when you need him?  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Need help getting home?

This song has been on my mind and heart today. I can't shake the feeling that someone out there is struggling, searching, feeling lost, but unable to find their way to the calm delight we all long for--but you're ready to embrace a new way.

Jesus said... "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11.28,29

Listen to this song, a soulful heart cry for new direction and real meaning for life. If it resonates with you and you'd like to know more, contact me at

Now children...

Existential Fact: Our political DNA produces lot's of anger and bitterness in this country.  That's always been the case, always will be.  To say otherwise is to redact history; just romantic non-sense.

Existential Fact: Americans are competitive.  We hate to loose.  This is perhaps most intensely experienced in our politics.

Existential Fact: There are haters on the margins of all movements involving people; we pay too much heed to those margins--and the hate tends to bleed back to toward the center.

Now what?

To my conservative friends: Buck-up!  The world hasn't ended.  Stop the whining and stop being sore losers.  Don't be fooled by conservative pundits--they do have something worthy to say, but they are entertainers seeking to maintain an audience; no need to parrot them--it isn't helpful.  Eat the meat and spit the bones out.  

We conservatives have some work to do--grow, change, think outside the box--let's focus our passion and energy on that process, and perhaps we might emerge with a better message and vision that more Americans can embrace.  We have an obligation as Americans and fellow-citizens with those who see the world differently than we do, to give the Obama Administration: Part 2 a chance...and to actively work to make this administration a success to the degree that our values and principles will allow.  That said,  I submit that it does not have to be an "all or nothing at all" proposition.

To my liberal friends: I stipulate it, you won. You've had a few days to celebrate and wag your fingers; now, be gracious winners and effective leaders.  Don't brand legitimate and passionate disagreement from "the loyal opposition" as "hate speech."  Don't be fooled by liberal pundits--they do have something worthy to say, but they are entertainers seeking to maintain an audience; no need to parrot them--it isn't helpful.  Eat the meat and spit the bones out.  

Liberals would be wise to allow conservatives to have a seat and the table, we constitute nearly half the electorate that turned out on November 6.  It will continue to be impossible to get anything done if the only seats left are at the "back of the bus." Find the good in conservatism and embrace it to the degree that your values and principles will allow.  That said,  I submit that it does not have to be an "all or nothing at all" proposition.

To ALL my friends: We had an election.  Liberals won, conservatives the top of the ticket.  Now, let's close ranks, stop sniping at each other and get on with the business of fixing America--our government, our communities, our schools, our families and let's work on growing as individuals.

"Now children...," it's time we grew up and gave the next generation, our children, a cultural/political templet that works...or else.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The day after...

It's November 7, let's close ranks and hold those elected to govern responsible for the way they govern; let's also allow them to compromise and advance the business of the Nation forward toward a brighter future.

Remember, we have a new-direction "fork in the road" every two years.  It's the "governor" on the system and virtually assures that the more things change, the more they stay the same; therein lies the genius of the Founders.

Politics, it's part of our DNA.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The door swings "one way..."

Today millions of people in thousands of precincts will, in the ultimate irony that has become our democracy, walk into hundreds of churches--who charge nothing for their service to the nation--to cast their ballot to select leaders who craft, pass and/or sustain laws that bar the voice of the church from the public square.