Friday, June 17, 2016


Weary.  So very weary of the "if you criticize this President you must be a hater and racist" narrative.  It's time people stop crying wolf--it's hurting the Presidency, it's hurting relationships across racial and political lines, and it's hurting the Nation.

We can't control the racist vanguard; we can't control the haters...what they say or think; we don't need to.  We can force them to the margins of culture and make them irrelevant by refusing them a place "at our tables."

That said, the "loyal opposition" plays an enormously important role in shaping the Nation and the future--regardless of weather that opposition is conservative or progressive.  Any attempt to silence that voice is tyranny, and a threat to us all.  So let's all straighten up, act like adults, and cut-out this non-sense--regardless of what drives it.

Ideas matter.  Not all ideas are created equal.  Live with it.

bN tGit