Saturday, March 20, 2010


Education in America...and educators... are in trouble.  I don't know why we tolerate it; but I do know we, our culture, have lowered our expectations for parents and embraced unrealistic expectations for our teachers.  By any reasonable measure, what we are asking our educators to do is unreasonable.  The result: the implosion of the system.

It's happening right now, this year, this month, TODAY.  Entire teaching staffs being reassigned; schools closed and teachers fired.  Educators chasing the holy grail--passing scores on standardized tests.  Under pressure to achieve a "passing grade" administrators have dumbed the system down by teaching to the lowest common denominator.  The result...a brain drain of gargantuan proportions.

Effective education is a partnership.  Parents and teachers working together. Problem...too many parents are AWOL.  Parents from every demographic...busy parents, tired parents, distracted parents, ambitious parents...selfish parents.  Unless and until parents see parenting as a worthy vocation, a selfless vocation and we can build some sort of accountability into the system for PARENTS, as well as teachers, our system will continue to breakdown.

For some reason, it's just not politically correct.   It's always easier to blame someone else.  Meanwhile, another generation slips away and gets left behind.