Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Solution!

I propose a solution to the gridlock in DC.

As a nation of Voters, we all agree to replace every elected Representative and Senator currently serving--with another member of the same party over the next three election cycles. In order to garner the support of the electorate these new members of Congress must agree to three conditions: 

  1. They will be candidates committed to social justice.
  2. Their governance must be guided and limited by fiscal responsibility.
  3. They must limit themselves to a period of service not to exceed 4 terms for a Representative and 2 terms for a Senator.
Wouldn't this make 2014 a Happy New Year! 

Oh, yes, before it slips my mind...don't follow that White Rabbit down the hole.  We lost Alice that way.   Wink. Wink. :)


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year...indeed

Someone recently asked me about a passing comment I'd made about the Tower of Babel, wanting me to expand on what was said.

Over the years I've always attempted to find "dynamic equivalents" in the culture around me to help people understand a deeper principle from the Scriptures. The Tower of course was the ultimate expression of hubris on the part of humankind; our effort to shake a collective fist at God and say "See, you aren't so transcendent after all." Foolish pride led to an inflated opinion of who we were; God breathed, language changed and chaos ensued. We discovered we were no match for the transcendent God.

Fast forward to modern culture: God, in his grace, has allowed mankind to apply his intellect and ingenuity, these also graciously granted by God, to "discover" thousands of things that insulate us from the ill-effects of the fall: drugs, asphalt, steel, plastic, roads, air conditioning, engines, automation--the list is endless. We in turn, tainted by sin and swelled with pride, believeing ourselves to be wise "shake our fists" at God and say, "You see, the Scriptures are myth; there was a big-bang and then there was mankind and look at how we have evolved...we have the power to give and take life. We don't need myths to prop us up anymore. We are God."

In reality, everything we touch we corrupt. Look at what we call our "system of Justice." We condition the air at the same time we poison it with hydro-carbons. We pollute the planet, poison our bodies, can't beat cancer or aids and when/if we do, something else always emerges. Regardless of how effective we are at blunting the effect of sin on life and the planet, sin always trumps our best efforts...and God allows it, to point us to our need for a Savior and His gracious provision for our redemption.

The farther evolved civilization becomes the further it devolves into moral and spiritual chaos--abortion, failed economies, addiction, violence, corrupt governments, greed, broken relationships, idolotry, shaminism, social injustice. Think about it, in 1965 LBJ gave us the Great Society. These unfunded mandates have done nothing to enlighten culture and end poverty--but they have driven us to edge of bankruptcy and destroyed families while perpetrating genocide on the poorest of the poor. The smarter we get, the dumber we are. We can run from God, but we can't hide.

So then, civilization as we have fashioned it, has become humankind's' most recent "Tower of Babel;" the work of "our hands" which demonstrates our independence, our ability to "get it done without God." We set out to be like God, and in a final irony, we create the very modality that could be the end of life as we know it. We can destroy it, but we can't fix it..."and all the king's horses, and all the king's men, couldn't put humpty-dumpty back together again." 

The lie that deceived Eve, continues to vex us; but we aren't beaten. This Truth has set us free..."When we were utterly helpless...God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5.6a,8

Hallelujah, what a Savior!  Happy new year, indeed.

Beautiful minds...

The cause/effect relationship between the way we think and the outcomes we achieve is uncanny.  

A "mind," even a poorly developed one, is a powerful force.  God blessed us all with beautiful minds; having been fashioned in His image gives us access to resources beyond the natural, built right into our DNA.  

Our minds are, of course, the most unique aspect of our beings.  So...what are you doing with yours?  It's the first day of the rest of our lives, December 31, 2013;  a wonderful moment to look back at what was, then gaze into the new year at what might be.  

Here's a perpetual list I use to keep my life compass oriented, "true North." Quite frankly, this is a "three steps forward, two steps back" process much of the time; but even one step at a time is progress!
For a better 2014...
Go to and get out of bed earlier.
Be active, body and mind, with the extra morning time.

Give up painful thinking.
Don't throw others "under the bus."

Refuse to think like a victim.
Seek balance in my life.

Look for the best in people.
Find ways to add value to other peoples lives.

Give generously to a cause you feel great passion for.
Volunteer and serve in some fashion, some place.

Don't be a cynic.
Refuse to associate with negative people.

Spend time in dialogue with people who don't think like me.
Make the effort to grow my intellect and expand my perspective.

Transform obstacles into opportunities.
Begin something that makes me feel challenged.

Mentor someone younger and/or less experienced.
Find someone to mentor me; be accountable to someone.

Read good books that make me feel enriched.
Journal: keep it simple and short; then watch that discipline begin to expand. 

Finally, and most significantly...

"Love justice, do mercy and walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6.8

For me, it starts by asking God (again) to empower me to resolve and retool the way I think and as result, the way I experience life. 

"Father in heaven give me clarity to know myself; give me desire to reflect Christ; give me discipline to lean into You; give me focus to remain on task; give me wisdom to make 'best decisions.' All this through Jesus name I ask, amen."    bN

Sunday, December 29, 2013

How democracy ends.

While I don't believe the answer to our education challenge in America is to turn the keys back over to the unions, this is a clarion call to citizens; it's time we take the education of our Kids back from private and public politicians--regardless of who they might be, who they work for, or their party affiliation. It's been hijacked and demagogued by adults, labor AND management; they have all forgotten who matters--KIDS, and what's at stake--THE FUTURE OF THE NATION.

Follow this link..."This is how Democracy ends: Apology from a former teacher"

This from Linclon...

December 1, 1862 President Abraham Linclon reminded the nation...America is "the last best hope of the earth." 

Though often reviled around the world, I believe that President Lincoln's premise has been demonstrated time after time over the past 151 years.  We don't get it right every time.  But if we were hitting baseballs for a living...Cooperstown would be our next stop.

May God continue to bless America; may He empower us to be people of character and good will; with generous hearts, brilliant minds and dynamic vision...for making tHis world a better place.

I'm a child of the King, a steward of Terra Firma and a grateful citizen of the United States of America.  Blessed on every front.  bN