Monday, February 19, 2018

DON'T wait for it.

Tomorrow we get a teaser.

Temps are projected to hit the mid-60's. Who knew 60* something  could feel so deliciously warm, so "right."

We haven't been set free from the clutches of "Old Man Winter," but we can see the day looming fast on the snow framed horizon. Spring is just 4 weeks away--March 21, 2018..liberation day in Northern Indiana.

We just "wait for it." Now, much sooner than later, it will happen.

Life is like this too, isn't it. We wait. It happens; life, happens. If we aren't attentive to this cycle-of-reality we wake up one day and realize, life passed us by while we waited.

That's why now is important. It's really all we have. It's all we need. Now.

"Now" gives us time to live fully in this moment...with certainty, confidence; live now with no regrets. Ah, but tomorrow, tomorrow will be a better day--but what if tomorrow never comes?

Don't wait for it. Life is fast.

Live it well...M6.8 bN