Friday, January 10, 2020

Refuse the Sheep.

Lots of talk about the existential threat the Republic faces as we press into 2020 and head toward the first turn of the race for POTUS 46. 

My neighbors, my friends, my community--our Nation feels profoundly divided; surly, rude, bombastic, mean-spirited because indeed, we are.  So much finger pointing.

Here is the thing, we come by this naturally.  This isn't the first time we've had to face down our darker impulses.  THIS is the real existential threat.  We must commit ourselves to growth, personally.

Refuse the sheep.   

We grow by listening to people who don't see life through the same set of lenses we use to process the world around us--we need people who don't think like us, regardless of which direction we lean from center; it's amazing how much common ground we can find when we listen.

Just imagine, people with whom we disagree strongly expanding our understanding, intellect, compassion, and yes perhaps most importantly, giving us the opportunity to excercise (and grow) the godly discipline of grace.

America, a remarkable idea.
