Saturday, December 24, 2011

Truth is...

Truth is to living what physics is to life.

We can't "see, smell or hear" the laws of physics, but without them, nothing works; that which we do see, smell and hear is the result of these laws being applied with purpose or spontaneously.

In the same way truth is the rail living rides on. Ethics, the rule of law, cultural norms, relationships, parenting, good government, freedom--to name but a few aspects of living--all work based on a set of core values, derived from the common grace of God, who wired humankind with an intrinsic sense of what truth is and an understanding of what's "right."

Truth, like physics, does not function in a deterministic way. I can ingore Newton's Law of Gravity and embrace a belief that I can float, then step of top of a tall building. Newton's Law does not override my choice. But my choice to embrace and believe I can float will not prevent a very bad outcome.

I can believe that truth is relative, subject to change, given to multiple definitions or simply an outdated cultural moray. People, and cultures, can choose to ignore the truth, or worse, be deceived and believe a lie--at great peril. The result/reality of these choices is sobering. Living spirals out of control. Chaos trumps the rule of law, justice becomes a myth, bondage becomes the norm and brokeness the face of a nation.

Life does not work without physics.  Living does not work without truth.   

My cyber "paper trail..."

Someone asked me recently "why do you blog?"  Nobody reads it, what's the point? It's not the "reading" that's the magic.  For's the writing; great therapy, keeps me engaged, demands rigorous thought and teaches me a great deal as I work through the process.

For later...I'm leaving a cyber "paper trail" that my friends, family...especially my kids and grandkids...can log onto and "hear" me, remember me; who I was, what my passions in life were, how I thought and what I valued.  I pray it just might make a difference in their lives someday...can you spell l-e-g-a-c-y?

Grateful to live in an era that has empowered me "go on the record" and leave something of what makes me unique behind.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

History turns on small hinges...

President Barack Obama.
Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Governor Mitt Romney. 
All men with a record that they must run on.  

This we know from history: it turns on very small hinges.  That said, the view you take about "history" will have a profound impact on the results of the next Presidential election.  Will that view be...

"If the past sits in judgement of the present, the future is lost." 
So said Sir Winston Churchill.


"The past is prologue..." 
So said William Shakespeare.

So... What view will you take?  How will you apply your perspective (your "spin") to the 3 most likely choices we will have, first in the Republican primary, then in the general election in November 2012?  We have eleven months to figure it out, and we need to get it right--cause' there won't be any "do overs."
Indeed, history DOES turn on small hinges.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Christmas wish list...

The 7 modern sins...
  • Wealth without work
  • Industry without morality
  • Worship without sacrifice
  • Politics without principles
  • Science without humanity
  • Knowledge without character
  • Pleasures without conscience
Work, morality, sacrifice, principles, humanity, character and conscience.  This is my Christmas wish list for America in 2011; my prayer for my nation in 2012 and beyond...

"Father create in us a hunger for what is right and just.  Help us to understand...that a love for money, is the root of all evil; that work is an honorable endeavor that shapes our character and gives us meaning and purpose; that industry must in the end produce social justice and opportunity for all; that politics is the business of the people, by the people and for the people and is the most noble and self-sacrificing life call a citizen can pursue; that we celebrate what science discovers in the context of enriching our appreciation for our uniqueness as humankind and creating in us a deeper spiritual hunger; that we seek knowledge as a path to humility; that pleasure be the by-product of good character, honest work and noble intention, and not an end in itself; that we understand that living a values-centered life does by definition require sacrifice...and may all this lead us declare that 'You, are the awesome God.'"