Tuesday, December 20, 2011

History turns on small hinges...

President Barack Obama.
Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Governor Mitt Romney. 
All men with a record that they must run on.  

This we know from history: it turns on very small hinges.  That said, the view you take about "history" will have a profound impact on the results of the next Presidential election.  Will that view be...

"If the past sits in judgement of the present, the future is lost." 
So said Sir Winston Churchill.


"The past is prologue..." 
So said William Shakespeare.

So... What view will you take?  How will you apply your perspective (your "spin") to the 3 most likely choices we will have, first in the Republican primary, then in the general election in November 2012?  We have eleven months to figure it out, and we need to get it right--cause' there won't be any "do overs."
Indeed, history DOES turn on small hinges.

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