Friday, July 6, 2018



Our fear of loosing an edge is ravaging relationships, melting down families, creating monster expectations, ruining our health and creating distance between us and God.

Why don't we say no? The fact is we really do live in a "less is more" world. We can't have it all. More importantly, we don't NEED it all.

White-space is what makes good Art so fetching, great landscape design so dramatic and relationships work. It gives us permission to breath, to be creative, to recharge and recreate.  

Who "moved the cheese" and convinced Americans that the contemplative life is empty and worth-less? We did.  We don't get to be here long.


Life is fast.
Live it well...M6.8 bN

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Today empty nest, too quiet.
Today weakness, a familiar face.
Today confidence, morphs to doubt.
Today strength remains, ravaged by age.
Today profile weathered with time, hair a pensive memory

Today independence is community.
Today knowledge is wisdom.
Today love is tenderness.
Today time is precious.

Today HELP stopped being a four-letter word.

Life is fast.
Live it well...M6.8 bN

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

A work in PROCESS.

The cause/effect relationship between the way we think and the outcomes we achieve is uncanny.  Life demands that we constantly reframe and refresh.

A "mind," even a poorly developed one, is a powerful force. God blessed us all with beautiful minds; having been fashioned in His image gives us access to resources beyond the natural, built right into our DNA.

Our minds are, of course, the most unique aspect of our beings. So...what are you doing with yours? It's "the first day of the rest of our lives,"  July 3, 2018--just days past the mid-point of this year; a wonderful moment to look back at what was, then gaze into the second half of the year at what might be.

Here's a perpetual list I use to keep my life compass oriented, "true North." Quite frankly, this is a "three steps forward, two steps back" process much of the time; but one step at a time is progress. We have turned the corner heading for 2019;  finish strong in 2018...

  • Go to and get out of bed earlier.  
  • Be active, body and mind, with the extra morning time.
  • Give up painful thinking.
  • Don't throw others "under the bus."
  • Refuse to think like a victim.
  • Seek balance in my life.
  • Look for the best in people.
  • Find ways to add value to the lives of others.
  • Give generously to a cause you feel great passion for.
  • Volunteer and serve in some fashion, some place.
  • Don't be a cynic.
  • Refuse to associate with negative people.
  • Spend time in dialogue with people who don't think like me.
  • Make the effort to grow my intellect and expand my perspective.
  • Transform obstacles into opportunities.
  • Begin something that makes me feel challenged.
  • Mentor someone younger and/or less experienced.
  • Find someone to mentor me; be accountable to someone.
  • Read and listen to good books that make me feel enriched.
  • Journal: keep it simple and short; then watch that discipline begin to expand.
  • Leverage the dearth of resources available on the Web.
  • Use technology in a way that prevents me from becoming its slave.
Finally, most significantly...
" JUSTICE,  love KINDNESS and walk HUMBLY with your G0D                                   
....Micah 6.8  ESV

For me, it starts by asking God (again) to empower me to resolve and retool the way I think and as result, the way I experience life:

"Father in heaven give me clarity to know myself; give me desire to reflect Christ; give me discipline to lean-into my weakness that I might discover Your strength; give me focus to remain on task; give me wisdom to 'think Your thoughts after You.'  Through Jesus Messiah, let it be."

We don't get to be here long.

Do. Love. Walk.
Live it well...M6.8 bN

Sunday, July 1, 2018


June has come and gone, again. 

Two years ago, June 28, we lost our beloved grandson (on this side of the vail) to a dragon called cancer. Braden is a constant companion in my heart. He battled the disease and in the end, he lost his life, but HE NEVER LOST HIS HOPE; the certain promise that he, as a believer in Jesus Messiah, would finally be transported into the presence of His Lord and Savior, there to enjoy life as HE designed it to be.

Life is hard, then we die. We will all lose our lives in one final breath; but we need not lose our hope.

Paise God for the hope we have in Christ and the healing death brings for those who have embraced Christ through effective saving faith. For these, death is not something to be feared; it is a gracious provision that carries us back into a face-to-face real-time relationship with God.

Without death, we become eternal beings, like Lucifer and the legion of angels which were cast out of heaven because of their rebellion...eternally separated from God, without death we would be chained to a relationship of enmity with God; no reverse, no repair--no redemption. NO hope.

Death became the modality that God uses to foil Satan's attempt to co-opt God's crowning creative act, the human race. So then, death is the definitive check-mate, demonstrating God's mastery; always steps ahead of evil and the chaos of sin. Genesis 3 describes the event that initiated the rebellion of Adam and Eve to sin and it's necessary result, death; it's also here that we learn that death is part of God's bigger plan for hope and the redemption of human-kind.

The rest, is history, 1 John 4.9,10...

"God showed how much he loved us
 by sending his one and only Son 
into the world so that we might have 
eternal life through him. 
10 This is real love—not that we loved God, 
but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice 
to take away our sins."

We know that love is a four letter word, spelled H-O-P-E; more importantly, we know that death simply marks the first day of the rest of our lives, 2 Corinthians 4.16-18...

"Therefore we do not lose heart. 
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet 
inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 
17 For our light and momentary 
troubles are achieving for us an eternal 
glory that far outweighs them all.  
18 So we fix our eyes 
not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, 
since what is seen is temporary, 
but what is unseen is eternal."

We will rise--Braden declared "I'm leveling UP," thanks be to God. It's a GRACE day.

We don't get to be here long.  What will you do with Jesus?

Life is fast.
Live it well...bN M6.8