Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No more "do overs"

My heart breaks for America.

Our political polarization has brought us to our knees. This isn't, at it's core, a left v. right issue.

The problem is on both sides of the isle. We must seek out and elect politicians who will act in America's interest, from a "base-commitment" to justice-for-all and Constitutional integrity.

America, let's wake up and get it right--elect patriots from the left and right; punish partisan and personal power brokers.

We are out of do over's. Get prepared to make a bold statement in November. "We aren't going to take it anymore!"

bN tGit

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Amazing Grace

Rose from my slumber to discover redemption.
Not earned, not deserved, not asked for
Generous, vast resolve so effective; 
Graciously given, Freely received.

Perspective transformed, purpose revealed

Hope a reality, thirsty no more.
Graciously given, Freely received.

Remembers no chapter, 

holds hostage no person
Not a place or thing, not a judgement; a gift Graciously given, Freely received.

New every morning. 

Pure like dew, refreshing, free. 
Unbounded, complete, matter settled: NOT guilty.  Set free from my prison.

Graciously given, Freely received.


bN tGit