Friday, November 11, 2016

I hear a symphony.

Many of my friends express concern about the fact that "God is being forced out of the public square." It's become a favorite pastime for People of Faith (yes I'm guilty)--lamenting the "sorry state" of the Nation.

What concerns ME? It's this: People of Faith have come to embrace the notion that the symbolic presence of God is the same thing as the authentic presence of God. Here is a short list of "hot-buttons," not intended to be exhaustive--but illustrative.

  • Do we want God in our schools--disciple your children to know and love Jesus. 
  • Do we want our Nation to understand that marriage is a beautiful metaphor, designed by God, of a much bigger relationship--and for this reason it is a sacred estate? Love your wife selflessly and trust your husband implicitly.
  • Do we want values to govern our economy, greed to be disdained--choose simplicity and invest our resources on behalf of the poor, widows, orphans; be seekers of justice for all the disenfranchised. 
  • Are we befuddled by the National obsession with abortion, perplexed by the disdain modern cultures have for human life, and high regard they show for endangered species? Find your voice and speak passionately-forcefully for the little Ones, consider... adoption, Foster parenting, Mentoring programs.
For too long, too many of us who profess to be followers of Jesus have routinely "phoned it in."
  • We've been content to build private school sanctuaries, teaching Bible courses, that will disciple our children for us.
  • We've turned a blind eye to the failure rate of marriages in our churches.
  • We've justified selfish ambition and the boastful pride of life as "what's ours is ours" and left justice to government inefficiency and the dehumanizing impact of its one-size fits all insanity.
  • We've ceded the heavy lifting for protecting the lives of unborn-children, the quality of life for born-children to others "called" to missional living.

Consider this: God's plan has always been to "show-up" via the beautiful music being played through lives well-lived by those who are His devoted followers--the Scripture makes clear that no law can stand against such purposeful, selfless living, "...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Galatians 5.22,23 NASB

Lives lived this way will produce a breathtaking symphony that will bring relevance back to our Mission as His Church--no longer engaged in managing the kingdom (small ''k") but compelled to build HIS Kingdom (big "K").

WHEN we take seriously our empowerment, from God, to add value to the lives of people, to make hard lives easier, to speak the truth of the Gospel into the brokenness of life without Christ, to model the transformational reality of the Gospel through the choices and investments we make--with our lives and resources, THEN they won't be able lock God out of the public square. There is no law that can stand against this kind of authenticity.

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3.20,21 NASB

I hear a symphony. Through Christ, let it be.

Live it well...bN tGit

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Now Children...

Existential Fact: Our political DNA produces lot's of anger and bitterness in this country. That's always been the case, always will be. To say otherwise is to redact history; just romantic non-sense.

Existential Fact: Americans are competitive. We hate to loose. This is perhaps most intensely experienced in our politics.

Existential Fact: There are haters on the margins of all movements involving people; when we pay too much heed to those margins--the hate tends to bleed back to toward the center.


To my Democrat friends: Buck-up! The world hasn't ended. Stop the whining and stop being sore losers. Don't be fooled by progressive pundits--they do have something worthy to say, but they are entertainers seeking to maintain an audience; no need to parrot them--it isn't helpful. Eat the meat and spit the bones out.

We, Republicans and Democrats, have some work to do. This election was a repudiation of BOTH progressive and conservative ideology in their current applications.  Let's focus our passion and energy on the process of bringing our different visions in line with what Americans believe is needed to move our Nation forward.  Do this and perhaps both visions might emerge with a better message that more Americans can embrace AND at the same time, make hard lives easier.

Progressives have an obligation as Americans and fellow-citizens with those who see the world differently than they do, to give the Trump Administration a chance...and to actively work to make this administration a success to the degree that your values and principles will allow. That said, I submit that it does not have to be an "all, or nothing at all" proposition.

To my Republican friends: We won the Electoral College.  However, It remains to be seen just what kind of leader President-Elect Trump will be--and what kind of administration he will install; and just where that takes us, we can't say for sure.  You have had time to celebrate and wag your fingers; now, be gracious winners and effective leaders. Don't brand legitimate and passionate disagreement from "the loyal opposition" as "hate speech." Don't be fooled by conservative pundits--they do have something worthy to say, but they are entertainers seeking to maintain an audience; no need to parrot them--it isn't helpful. Eat the meat and spit the bones out.

Conservatives would be wise to allow progressives to have a seat and the table, they constitute just over half the electorate that turned out on November 8. It will continue to be impossible to get anything done if the only seats left are at the "back of the bus." Find the good in progressivism and embrace it to the degree that your values and principles will allow. That said, I submit that it does not have to be an "all or nothing at all" proposition.

To ALL my friends: We had an election.  Neither conservatives nor progressives won, something different and as yet unnamed won...and carried many conservatives to victory at the bottom of the ticket. Now, let's close ranks, stop sniping at each other and get on with the business of fixing America--our government, our communities, our schools, our families and let's work on growing as individuals.

"Now children...," it's time we grew up and gave the next generation, our children and grandchildren, a cultural/political templet that works...or else.

Live it well...bN tGit

Monday, November 7, 2016

Minions, NOT

Tomorrow, November 8, 2016, we have an election.

We will select the 45th President of the United States of America. An election is not an end, it's a beginning. We are not minons, held under the thumb of despotic Felonious Gru and a legion of henchmen. 

We are "we the people" so act like it.  Let's close ranks and hold those elected to govern responsible for the way they govern; let's also allow, no--demand, a willingness to compromise and advance the business of the Nation forward toward a brighter future.

For those stiff-necked ideologues from both sides of the aisle remember, we have a new-direction "fork in the road" every two years.  It's the "governor" on the system and virtually assures that the more things change, the more they stay the same; therein lies the genius of the Founders.

Politics, it's part of our DNA.  

Live it well...bN tGit

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Listening to the Old Beatles tune this morning, "Help."

"When I was younger, so
much younger than today
I never needed anybody's help in any way
But now these days are gone,
I'm not so self-assured
Now I find, I've changed my mind,
I've opened up the doors.
And now my life has changed
in, oh, so many ways
My independence seems
to vanish in the haze
But every now and then
I feel so insecure
I know that I just need
you like I've never done before.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you, please, please help me?"

As I was taken back to another (younger) time in my life, it occurred to me that the (young) Beatles had uncanny insight in writing about what happens to us as we move through the final third of our lives; a time filled with loss and tradeoffs.

While we can't "do it all" anymore (not that we ever could), the tenderness we experience as our spouses, kids, and friends stand in the gaps is profound. It's in those moments we discover the rich, mysterious, blessing of interdependence.

Help is good. Life is "grand."

Live it well...bN tGit