Friday, January 20, 2017

Cast off Fear.

I write as I sit in front of my TV watching the Inaugural Ceremony for our 45th President of these United States of America.

For weeks now I've been witness to many express their "fear" over what might become of the Nation, indeed what might happen to them personally, under the stewardship of President Donald J. Trump. Being very transparent and at the risk of sounding dismissive, this strikes me as rather irrational.  

We have faced down...

England--the most powerful nation on the planet in the 18th Century, the XYZ Affair, the Sedation Act, the uncertainty and inadequacy of the Articles of Confederation, the long-process to a ratified Constitution, the vanity of Thomas Jefferson, the ill-temper of John Adams...

The Wild One--Andrew Jackson, a Civil War that claimed 620,000 American lives, slavery,  reconstruction, Jim Crow...

More than a few plagues and pestilence that were pandemic, the Great Depression, the Axis in WW2, internment camps for Japanese Americans...

Polio, the Cold War, Kennedy's Viet Nam, the Cuban Missile Crisis, George Wallace, LBJ, Nixon, J.Edgar Hoover...

55,000,000 Abortions, the Gas Shortage Crisis, the IRS, the malaise of Jimmy Carter, double-digit inflation and home mortgage rates at 20+%, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the Moral Majority...

Reagan's Iran/Contra misstep, the moral degradation of Bill Clinton,  911, the Age of Terror, Bush's "No Child Left Behind" and naive effort at nation building in the savage Middle East, Obama's Shovel Ready projects, the ACA, Nancy Pelosi, Dirty Harry's use of the "Nuclear Option..." ending a Senate rule requiring 60 vote majority to end the filibuster...

The death IN OFFICE of eight Presidents, four felled by assassins bullets...Constitutional crisis leading to the resignation of President Richard Nixon, and the impeachment of President Bill Clinton...

The vitriol of our political process (p
ayback is "job-one" in 2017) as it has devolved since the impeachment of President Clinton and the inability of politicians and their partisans to see the best, believe the best and work for the best in each other and their distinct visions, thereby empowering compromise and consensus.

Yes we at times have suffered greatly, the Party not-in-power has languished and protested, and mounted a loyal opposition.  Yet, America survived.  We thrived. But today, January 20, 2017 people are posting, tweeting, announcing, about their fear of this 45th President?

Really? If you are awash in fear, take heart and stand-firm; then, get a good classic collection of US History books and actually READ them BEFORE the next election cycle in 2018.  History says our system is safe.  That system has a built in re-set button every two years in Congress and four years in the White House when "we the people" go back to the ballot box for the only poll that matters.  Add to history a Constitution that constructs our government on a platform of three co-equal branches of government.  

Folks, I will sleep well; we have in every generation been tested and prevailed, the Founders had our back and gave us a system that is both flexible and proscriptive. Then there are the Democrats (and main-stream media?) "watching on the wall" as the loyal opposition.

America will survive and thrive in spite of anarchists intentions to prevent that. Don't let these bad-actors steal your confidence in our system, your pride in our Nation or your hope for a better future.

I urge you, do your part. There is a legacy out there with your name on it.  Make it a good one.

Hail to the Chief.

Now, may God bless America with a President who exceeds expectations, is humbled by his responsibility as a steward of dreams for future generations, and who will seek wisdom and help from a multitude of counselors--but especially from our Father in Heaven. Through Jesus Messiah, let it be.

Live it well...bN tGit

Less is More--Really.


Refuse to follow the crowd. Choose less.
Why don't we say "no?"  Our fear of loosing an edge is ravaging relationships, creating monster expectations, ruining our health and creating distance between us and God.

The fact is we really do live in a "less is more" world.  "White space" is what makes good Art so fetching, great landscape design so dramatic and relationships work.  It gives us permission to breath, to be creative, to recharge and recreate.  

Who "moved the cheese" and convinced Americans that the contemplative life is empty and worth-less?  We did.  


Live it well...bN tGit

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fresh Fruit.

We inaugurate our 45th President on Friday, January 20. Not mine or their's but our's; disavowing PE Trump changes nothing. 

This man will make decisions, advance policy, operate as the Nation's CEO and Commander-in-Chief; in those roles he will impact the lives of virtually every person living on the planet. As Americans, we are faced with a choice; Anger and hate are easy because they are intuitive to our human nature, such familiar friends.

May I suggest a road less traveled? Paul charts a different, counter-intuitive, course for us in his letter to the Church in Galatia.

Galatians 5.22,23... "22...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." 

Against such things, there is no law; not Common, not Statutory, not Constitutional, not Sharia. These virtues are a starting place that point us to the truth about the Universe we can see, but not fully experience; the world we can experience, but not fully understand and ourselves...with hearts so desperately sick, who can know them. People who live in glass houses surely should refrain from throwing stones.

Don't give in to anger, bitterness, vitriol or payback. Choose "fresh fruit."

Shalom L'Chaim.

Live it well...bN tGit