Saturday, November 5, 2011

Eternity...can wait.

A month of "thanks-giving"...November 5.

Dad died, July 1970, age 55. Mom died, December 1984, age 53. Never really expected to outlive them; THANKFUL to be well on my way to the 9th year of my 5th decade.

God created us with eternity in our hearts; His preface and introduction for my "life" has exceeded my expectations.
God willing, eternity...can wait.

Drop by drop...

Please enjoy this little "gem" from a good friend, Ruthann Blosser Longcor...a good thinker and writer.

"Love the saying 'Drop by drop a river forms.'  I read it in a book last week...and it's been going over and over in my mind.  After googling it, there is another version... 'Drop by drop, a mighty river forms.'  Rivers are powerful, yet each begins by simple drops of water joining together.

Makes me think of families, the climate in a home/workplace, and the power of little actions that add up to traditions, that eventually add up to legacies. Creating a loving, positive, inspiring atmosphere in our homes/classes/businesses...often starts with the most basic, intentional action...a smile, a hug, offering a favor. Consistent thoughts and actions, lead to trends...which can become a force. Wow.

So much potential just in an ordinary day..."

Words change lives.  Perhaps you can use these, to change yours.  Thanks for sharing your powerful insight with us Ruthann.