Monday, March 13, 2017


Please, tell me...

Why is the express line, not very "express?" Why is over-night delivery always 2nd day? Why do yellow lights make people see red? Why is urgent rarely important?

Why do we expect politicians to lie to us, and then get upset when they do? Why do we complain about the quality and direction of government, then refuse to vote? Why do we ask government to lower our taxes then complain when they reduce our services? Why is "public-service" so oppressive?

Why do we make vows we don't really intend to honor? Why do we "honor" people we often don't respect? Why are love and heartbreak two sides of the same coin? Why do we swear on a book we don't revere?

Why are teachers accountable, but parents aren't? Why do we need a license to marry, but not to parent? Why can a 15 year old get an abortion, but not a divers license? Why do we mandate an education for "students" who won't try, don't care and refuse to cooperate? Why do so many parents think they can do a better job teaching, than our teachers, but make so little effort at educating their children?

Why do we feel sympathy for those with great need and outrage for those with great privilege? Why is the Humane Society only about animals? Why do we pretend everyone should be treated the same way, when we know that's not the way life really works? Why do we act like everyone is born with the same set of genes, when we know that's just not true? Why are criminals victims and victims criminalized? Why is "Affordable Health Care" so unaffordable?

Why does the right to privacy trump the right to life? Why is "profile" a dirty concept when, if applied appropriately, it can save innocent life? Why does our Constitution work harder for criminals than for good citizens? Why are some lives more valuable that others? Why is justice such a fleeting virtue? Why is it that the smarter we are, the dumber we get? Why has the information highway produced so much uncertainty?

"35...Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." Matthew 9.35,36

"28 ...Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.'” Matthew 11.28-30

Confused, helpless; lacking direction, weary, burdened?  
Embrace rest.

Life is fast.
Live it well...bN tGit

Sunday, March 12, 2017

In retrospect.

I'll be 64 later this week.  I don't consider myself to be a "senior citizen," which of course is just wishful thinkin' at this stage in my life.  While I don't "see" myself that way now, truth is, I can certainly see "that place" from here.

Life is so much faster than I ever imagned it would be, and so much more than I ever dreamed it could be.  My cup isn't half-full, it overflows.
  • In High School a guy named Mark Zier walked into my life and lovingly led me to a life-changing decesion to trust Jesus Messiah as my Lord and Redeemer; then he introduced me to a girl who eventually became my for-life companion.
  • I have been blessed by that girl, Laura Cherrie, who became my wife (we were both 19), help-mate, mother of and for our children, my best friend and companion, for 44 years and counting!
  • Neither of my parents were college grads and when the time came for me to enroll, my father died one month after I graduated from high school; there was no money for higher education.  God provided, first at Duke were I received my BA and then at Talbot Seminary where I earned an M.Div. all without student loans.
  • God blessed us with two children.  Erin and Jospeh have made me so proud because of the people they have become; honest, engageing, generous, interesting good-hearted young adults.  Our "second" son Matthew, and "second" daughter Miranda are amazing in every way.  These four are our closest friends.  We prayed from the time the children were born that God would bless them with stellar life-mates, He did.
  • We have four grands, three boys and a girl.  Our hearts were broken when our oldest, Braden, passed away last June after a sixteen month battle with cancer.  He was 14. He lived it well.  We miss him so very much, but our hearts remain full as we watch his brother Kellen, and his cousins Gabriella and Grayson make their place in the world.  They have all made us laugh, given us hope for the future, loved us in a special way unique to our role in their lives...and enjoy hanging-out with us.
  • I have enjoyed two modestly successful careers centered around helping people; for 25 years as their Pastor and, now, for the last 16, as guy who takes the "scarey" out of the risks of everyday life as their State Farm Agent.
  • Over the years I've witnessed lives change in long-term and very profound ways; I have played a part in that process as a tool in the Master's Hands; what a privilege those moments have been.
  • While I have experienced disappointment in and betrayal by friends, my life has been rich beyond measure because of folks who've come alongside and embraced me (changed me) with their friendship.
  • I have traveled with people through the most difficult intersections of their lives, prayed with them and waited; then watched God do what only He can do..."exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything we could ask or imagine."
  • Laura has loved me and patiently waited for me to become the man she needed and so richly deserves.
  • The roles (the work of my hands) I have chosen to invest my energy in, have been challenging and rewarding.  Not once have I felt trapped in doing what has been my life's work.  It's been and continues to be too much fun.
  • My girlfriend's dad, (my future father-in-law) stepped into my life as the man I needed when at age 17, my father died--he continued to be a rock for me until his passsing in 2014.
  • Mentors have invested their lives in me.  They've taught me, listened to me, cried with me and believed in me. 
  • Life has softened me.  Tenderness comes easy today.
I enjoy a rich tapestry of memories, some good and not.  These memories confirm what most people eventually come to realize: there are a few regrets, there are scores upon scores of very special people and wonderful events, whose images remain clear to the smallest detail.  I smile each time I think about these people and replay those special moments. 

here has been failure, good fortune and difficulty; pain, lost dreams, heartbreak and victory.  But through it all runs a story, my story, of God's grace transforming me, using me, teaching me and most amazingly, loving me with an everlasting love. 

 pray that when my run for the prize concludes, my legacy will be people I've touched along the way saying, "I love Jesus more."

Life is fast.

Live it well...bN tGit