Sunday, May 17, 2015

Praying through Cancer, March 2015

March 31, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, we trust You. No matter what. In the Savior's name, let it be.

March 31, 2015...
Spinal tap is finished and the Doctor thought we should have results in a couple days. Done for the day and off to get lunch. Thanks again for the prayers!

March 31, 2015...
Psalms 71:1-3, 5-7 NASB  "In You, O L ord , I have taken refuge; Let me never be ashamed. In Your righteousness deliver me and rescue me; Incline Your ear to me and save me. Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come; You have given commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress. For You are my hope; O Lord G od , You are my confidence from my youth. By You I have been sustained from my birth; You are He who took me from my mother's womb; My praise is continually of You. I have become a marvel to many, For You are my strong refuge."   Jeff Hill

March 31, 2015...
Ephesians 3:20 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! " Dave Mammen

March 30, 2015...

"After Braden's rad
iation appointment we met with our radiologist Dr. B. He was 'ecstatic' about Braden's improvement! He said that he did not expect this much improvement until week 2 or 3 of "fancy radiation" (this was day 5) and said 'you will be cured!' Braden's face also appeared much more symmetrical and numbness is going away more rapidly than expected. According to Dr. B 'You have made my day Braden!' Although this is wonderful news, the doctor did say that he is most likely going to lose most of the hearing in his left ear because of the location of the radiation. We just need to trust God and keep believing that He will cure Braden and limit the side affects. The spinal tap is tomorrow, because we forgot to fast... Oops."  Matthew

March 30, 2015...
"Prayed for this morning in Surrey, BC. Canada."  Tanya Scardera

March 29, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, guide us through this next week--Holy week. Don't let this disease distract us from carefully and joyfully reflecting on the high price of our redemption, and our Savior's victory over death!   Give Braden stamina under the new Chemo regimen, we ask that his immune system would remain strong. Give the family the strength they need to manage two households, grace to deal with being separated--we pray Kellen would feel secure and loved--help family to stand in for his dad.  We've begun the long road to Braden's cure. Encourage us, give us resolve to fight this disease and insight about what else might be done to kill it. Give us patience, grace, and vision to maintain a long obedience in the same direction. I ask this in the name of our redeemer, Jesus, let it be.

March 29, 2015...
"Just wanted to say a big thank you to Todd Efsits, Sue Shrider and the Elkhart Memorial speech team for blessing us with your talents this afternoon. Thanks for lifting our spirits and for your encouragement and prayers!"

March 28,2015...
Father-in-heaven, make this a weekend filled with joy for Braden, Matthew, Erin and Kellen. Refresh them with deep, renewing, restful sleep. Empower them to focus on each other. Bless them with laughter, faith, hope and love. May they experience the grace to live in the moment. I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus, our Strong Tower. Let it be.

March 28, 2015...

"Braden, as I read and prayed the prayer that your loving grandfather Ben Baier posted yesterday, I too hope for rest and peace for you and your whole family during this trying time.

Take time this weekend to praise the LORD. The Eternal Holy King. I'll lift my hands with you to praise and honor Him this weekend, and every day. You are in prayers constantly.

Turn it up, and sing His praise with me...
"Praise the Invisible, praise the Immortal One
Praise God Incarnate, praise Father, Spirit, Son
For He is God, for He is holy
For He holds the keys to the grave
And forever He will reign

Praise the Invisible, praise the Immortal One
Praise God Incarnate, praise Father, Spirit, Son
For He is God, for He is holy
For He holds the keys to the grave
And forever He will reign

We lift our hands up higher
We raise our voices louder
To the Only Wise, Eternal King

We lift our hands up higher
We raise our voices louder
Be honor and glory unending

We lift our hands up higher
We raise our voices louder
To the Only Wise, Eternal King

We lift our hands up higher
We raise our voices louder
Be honor and glory unending
Now unto the King… [x3]"   
 Mark Rote

"Praise the Invisible, praise the Immortal One"  Third Dy

March 28, 2015...
"We started this journey 4 short weeks ago with recommendations for specific radiation and chemo treatments. As you know, Braden's tumor misbehaved, and the radiation plan has already changed.

Yesterday, we learned that chemo will change too. After consulting with other specialists at other children's hospitals, Braden's doctors have decided to put him on a longer and more intense regimen. His new plan is 54 weeks in duration. 54. WEEKS. The medicines they will use are stronger and will more aggressively seek out errant cancer cells in his body...but will also cause more side effects. In his new plan, week 1 starts on Monday. As an extra precaution, they are performing an additional lumbar puncture to check his spinal fluid for cancer. 4 weeks ago, his fluid was clear and healthy. Please join us in praying and believing for continued good results. Braden's doctors feel these changes give him the best chance for a cure. So, we step out in faith.

God's mercies are new every morning-He continues to be faithful, and we are so thankful for how He has used you to bless us in so many ways. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!" Erin
March 27, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, don't allow fear to blind us to Your presence in this storm. In the name of our redeemer, Jesus, I pray. Let it be.

March 26, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, bless us with another good day. In Jesus name I ask this. Let it be.

March 26, 2015...
"Well we just had 'f
ancy' radiation #3 and have some good news to report. Braden had to have a new mask made because his head is a bit smaller than it was last week. Some of that was from the lack of hair now and some is from less swelling in his face. Praise God! We also met with Dr Buchsbaum, our radiologist. He discovered that Braden is recovering some of his hearing in his left year. Last week he rubbed his fingers together next to Braden's ear and Braden did not hear anything. Today he did! God is good!"  Matthew

March 26, 2015...
"You can't tell by his face (he was scared of Dad cutting him at this moment!) but Owen is very excited to have his head buzzed for his best bud Kellen and the Bravehart crew!!"  Danielle Black on Kellen's friend Owen

Danielle Black's photo.

March 24, 2015...
"Hello, Hartmans, family and friends - I'm a friend of Sandy Cherrie's and a fellow prayer warrior for Braden. I just wanted to give you guys a bit of encouragement, and a whole lotta praise to Our Father for the awesome work He's already doing in Braden, and in your entire family!

To follow up from Matthew Hartman's last son Aidan is a rhabdo survivor as well! He went through what sounds like the same exact aggressive VAC+Radiation therapy treatment as Braden - and YES - this form of cancer responds very well to the treatment! There is so much hope!!

My son Aidan was a high risk rhabdo patient--stage 3 with non-operable tumors, he went through chemotherapy and radiation treatment, just like Braden is doing; it was a hard road indeed, but Aidan is now 8 YEARS cancer free - completely healed! In fact, he was recently baptized! 

It's hard not to be discouraged I know, and some days are better than others for sure....and there is fear......but there is LIFE and LOVE and HOPE here, and above all other things, the absolute love of God. As much as we love our kids, He loves them even more....sounds pretty can anything be bigger than the love a parent has for their children, especially in times of trouble?? Braden belongs to the maker of the universe though, to the One who designed him and breathed His very Own breath into Braden's lungs, who gave of Himself so that Braden's eternal soul should have eternal life......Love unstoppable........He's not confused, He's not afraid, He knows exactly what Braden needs, and He will not abandon you. Ever.

Yeah, thats some pretty amazing love.

Take hope and comfort, Hartmans--you're in the best of hands."  
Ardeiel Noel, San Antonio TX

March 24, 2015...

Psalm 145:17-19  "The LORD is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works.
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desire of those who fear him He also hears their cry and saves them."    
Dave Mammen

March 24, 2015...
Update: Just spoke with the oncologist. He feels that Braden's tumor is in the high intermediate risk category, (not high risk) but with the growth wants to treat it aggressively. He is suggesting a change in the chemo regimen. The change adds a few more in patient stays, 4 more chemo drugs, and 14 more weeks of chemo(54 weeks total). This has had great results with soft tissue sarcomas and we feel good about the aggressive approach. The doctor doesn't want to take any chances. He said that the more aggressive we are now the less likely the cancer returns. Please pray for guidance in these decisions and that God would continue to work out the details."   Matthew

March 24, 2015...
It's Twin Day at West Side!! A few of us from B Lunch wanted Braden to know we are thinking of him! Stay Strong ðŸ’›

Jami Schoen Presswood's photo.

March 23, 2015...
"I have thought fo
r many days on what words of encouragement I could share with each of you that would help you during this time. Having lost my son a year ago the one thing that helped our family was to know that an ARMY of people who loved us and cared about us were praying us thru the journey and carrying us when we could not take another step.

So, I am one of many who stand here today and like everyday I lift your family up in prayer as do so many people who love and care about you. When you have those moments when you feel totally alone, tired and feel like you cannot go on another moment. Close your eyes…Standing right there beside you and all around you are your prayer warriors who will carry you and in front of you with loving arms stretched out is our loving Father. You will never be alone ever I promise!!!!
Faith can and does move mountains!!! Never forget that for a moment!!" 
Jerry and Sherry Roberts

March 23, 2015...
"Just talked with onchologist. She was really encouraged by his progress since radiation has begun. She said the lack of pain is a really good thing. She also said that it is really too early to give up on the chemo treatment regiment sInce he only had one vac treatment and felt better after that. We are about to be admitted to begin chemo treatment in the next few minutes. Please pray that we see encouraging signs after today's chemo and tomorrow's radiation... and for Braden's comfort throughout."  

March 22, 2015...
Brother, Kellen, joins the bald brotherhood.

Erin Baier Hartman's photo.

March 22, 2015...
"Update: The las
t four days have been pretty good. Braden has not had a headache and has felt like shopping and going to a couple movies. He did have a slight headache today, but not as bad as it had been. However, The next couple days are integral to his treatment plan. Please pray for wisdom and clarity the next few days. We meet with the oncologist tomorrow to talk about possibly switching up his chemo treatment regiment because the protocol wasn't effective... Then getting Chemo treatment number 4 the same day as well as radiation #5. On Tuesday, They switch up Braden's radiation to make it more site specific (not emergent) and hopefully more effective. So, big couple days... Prayer appreciated!"  Matthew

March 22, 2015...
It's a good day to 
be a child of the King...
            Psalm 23 
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

March 21, 2015...
God's Mercy, new every morning. Blessed today by answered prayer. Thanks be to God...and for your work on our behalf. Braden had a good day. Haircut day tomorrow.

March 21, 2015...
"As we fight this fight, God reminds us of the Exodus story... "Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land." We must Believe!"  Matthew

"Along with Matthew's post, I would like to share the story behind it. Thursday turned into a day when all of the recent developments had us looking at only the negative outcome that seemed eminent. There were a lot of tears that day, and at one point all 5 of us were in a huddle around Braden in a hall at the hospital desperately in prayer, crying out to God for his help and healing. Later Thursday I asked God for encouragement and answers to our weary hearts.
Friday morning when I went in the bathroom to shave, God gave me a vision of the Red Sea before it was parted. The enemy was behind them and there was no where to go.  He told me to share with us all to not look at the evidence, but to continue on, looking up, and believing for the miracle.  
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support."   Harold Hartman

March 21, 2015...
This is what happens when you ask for father in law for a haircut. ‪#‎baldandbeautiful‬ ‪#‎bravehart‬

Erin Baier Hartman's photo.

Erin Baier Hartman's photo.

Erin Baier Hartman's photo.

March 21, 2015...
In support of my nephew. Love you all.
Charles Hartman's photo.

March 21, 2015...
"Matt, Erin, Braden, and Kellen...... This song just won't leave my head. Every time I hear it, it becomes Braden's theme song. "WE BELIEVE!" Praying for the words "CANCER FREE" in 6 weeks!!!! ‪#‎we believe‬"  Kera Sears

Get "We Believe" on iTunes: Official Lyric video for "We Believe" by Newsboys. (C) 2014 Newsboys, Inc. under exclusi...

March 20, 2015...
"We find ourselves at the end of a long, exhausting week. We learned that Braden's tumor was still growing, despite chemo, and that it is infringing on important neurological functions (for example, he currently has no gag reflex).

So, where to go from here? Braden is in the able hands of Dr. Jeff Buchsbaum, one of 25 pediatric radiation oncologists in the country. He is 4 radiation treatments in, with 24 to go. Please pray for the radiation to be effective against the tumor, and for minimized side effects. Best case scenario? Six weeks from now, Braden will be cancer free, with multiple rounds of chemo to prevent recurrence. That is our prayer.

Matthew and Braden will be staying in Indianapolis for treatment; Kellen and Erin will return home to school/work, and will visit on Spring Break and the weekends.

Thank you for your love and support-still taking it one day at a time!"  

March 20, 2015...
Lamentations 3.19-23...
19 Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness.
20 Surely my soul remembers
And is bowed down within me.
21 THIS I recall to my mind,
THEREFORE I have hope.
22 The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Father-in-heaven, as we step into this new day, I ask that You would empower us to see Your grace at work in our lives. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your lovingkindness in everything we experience today--the good, bad and the scary. May our faith in You lift us above the battle that rages for our minds, our confidence and our joy. Use this present hardship, make it count--in our lives and the lives of our friends who are investing so much in us. No matter what the day holds, may we be found this evening--loving You, trusting You and more confident in You than ever before. Today, we choose You. Today, we cling to Your grace. Today, we trust in Your sovereign design for our lives. This I ask in the name of our redeemer, Jesus. Let it be.

He has this...thank God it's today. 

March 19, 2015
Update: University Hospital--radiation/oncology. Treatment is finished for today. Swallow study is now underway. We are in "the waiting room" again. Docs are searching for answers, double checking pathology report. Not "pulling punches," yet still have a reality based optimism. Grateful. Taking a "measure twice cut once" approach--a good thing. No real-time new information, yet. But there is this; we are weary, anxious and quite frankly--scared. Matthew and Erin are depleted. Regrets for passing on what may seem like the tedium of the process--we are still "up against it" and need you to lean hard into God, our Strong Tower, with us. bN tGit

March 18, 2015...
"Words cannot even express how grateful we are for all the prayers and love that we've experienced the last few weeks! Yesterday was a tough day, but behind it all we know that God is in control. Please continue to pray today that radiation #2 will go well, that he continues to get the rest he needs, and that this tumor will begin to die!"  Matthew

March 18, 2015...
"Plan B: Because Braden needed emergent radiation, and radiation must be completed in one cycle from start to finish, he will have all of his treatments over the next six weeks in Indianapolis. He did very well on day 2. None of the serious side effects that doctors were watching for in the hospital, so he was released to his delight. He has reported 0 pain today (on a scale of 0-10). This is a first in 5 weeks. I want to be encouraged, but the past 3 days have me feeling more wary than anything. He is miserable with mucous, which we understand is common for a tumor/radiation in this site. Prayers that he can rest comfortably are appreciated. Feeling 'pressed, but not crushed.' One day at a time."  Erin

March 17, 2015...
URGENT UPDATE: I've just spoken with Erin and she asked me to update the BraveHart community. Braden's condition has changed significantly. The tumor has gone into a very rapid growth mode and has enveloped the artery providing blood flow to his brain. This development makes travel or delay out of the question. He is being admitted at Riley and prepped to begin traditional radiation therapy immediately in an attempt t...o beat back the tumor and preserve his life. Pray...for effective/skillful treatment to kill the tumor while minimizing collateral damage to nerves, healthy tissue and organs and cognitive function; for courage in the face of great dread, for comfort in our grief, for faith to stand firm trusting God for every detail--and the strength to walk through this Valley. Thank you for your kindness; for generously investing your efforts in prayer for Braden and for us. bN tGit

March 17, 2015...
Update: The kids met with Docs and report they (Docs) feel optimistic that this initial intervention, with conventional Radiation treatment, will arrest the growth of the tumor and force it to recede from the nerves affecting his sight, hearing and blood flow to his brain; this intervention will begin, this afternoon. After three days, they begin using IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy), for an additional 25 treatments; this to address the tumor from three dimensions which minimizes the dosage to healthy critical issue (i.e. his brain stem) while producing an exponential impact, like a reinforced feedback loop, on the diseased tissue resulting in critical synergy for maximum therapeutic effect--"a good thing!" He will be treated as an inpatient for the balance of the week. After this week IMRT will continue 5 days on, 2 days off for the balance of the 28 day protocol on an outpatient basis. His Chemo treatment will occur each Monday for next 36 weeks. Matthew, Erin and Braden ARE encouraged...Thanks be to God, though the road is long, we have reason to believe he can be cured. Reason to believe...hope.  bN tGitEphesians 3.20,21 NASB  "20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." 

March 17, 2015...
"Ventura Missionary Church staff praying for Braden, his family, friends, and everyone treating him.  God bless you all and hold you close to Him."   Kathy Scott, Ventura CA

March 17, 2015...
"We're praying in Michigan."   Cori Nicols, MIMarch 16, 2015...
"We've hit a wrinkle in OUR plan, but are trusting in GOD's plan. Braden is having some worsening neurological symptoms like numbness and hearing loss. In seeing his local oncologist today, she felt that the radiation oncologist needs to see him ASAP to see if we can expedite the radiation plan. We are headed back to Indy to meet with those doctors tomorrow, and hoping for some answers and a clear direction." Erin

March 11, 2015...
"Kind of a big deal...i've never prayed out loud in a group and only once in front of my own family. tonight in my small group at church i was nudged to say the closing prayer. i did it!! AND most importantly, i sent up a pretty awesome prayer for Braden and the entire Hartman family. thought you might like to know you all were a part of a pretty big milestone for me."  Haley Kraus, WI

March 11, 2015...
"Day 10 Update: Today is Day 10 after Braden's first big chemo treatment. This is an important day, because the most serious side effect of chemo, dropping red and white blood cell count, usually peaks by day 10. Braden was at the doctor today to have her look at his mouth, which has been very sore (another side effect of chemo). Here's the good news, aside from the sore mouth (which we're working on treating), and some fatigue, Braden has really had no other side effects. No nausea, his blood cell counts were normal today, and his pain was almost non-existent (he reported a "2" on a scale of 1-10). Thank you, friends for your prayers; please continue to pray that his body will tolerate the chemotherapy so that he can stay on track with his treatment. God has been faithful to bless us, through you, one day at a time. Reading your prayers, scripture, receiving notes of encouragement, food, and generous have encouraged us more than you will ever know, and we are so thankful for our community of family and friends that has rallied with us! Claiming God's promise today in Proverbs 3:5-6, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.'"  Erin

March 10, 2015...
Psalm 121:1-8 NIV  "I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."  Jeff Hill

March 10, 2015...
"Braden, believe that your world is not falling apart, it's just falling into place...Sometimes, just be held held by Him, and gain strength through that pause."  Mark Rote

March 9, 2015...
"Today was a great day, my chemo went smoothly, and so did my orthodontist appointment... Thanks guys for all of the support and love towards my family and I, we will continue to fight this together, and with Jesus on our side."  Braden

"You are quite an inspiration to all you have touched through this episode in your life. As I said a week or so ago, you've already beaten this foe! God bless you, son."  Terry Beall, Houston, TX

March 3, 2015...
UPDATE: Lumbar Puncture came back clear. Soooo Grateful. Treatment plans are coming into focus. Meeting with Radiologist tomorrow at 3.30pm which will be the final piece of the puzzle. Braden continues to manage this first Chemo treatment well. A couple of "bridges" to cross this evening--your prayers to relieve B's anxiety appreciated.  bN tGit

March 3, 2015...
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10

He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God.' Psalm 46:10

Holy Father we thank you in advance for Braden's healing. You are all powerful and all loving. We thank you for this opportunity for Braden and all of his family and friends to draw closer to you in adoration and constant prayer during this difficult time.

Your Word instructs us to put our faith and trust in you when we are fearful and unsure of your will. Please give Braden, his parents, and the whole family strength and peace during Braden's treatments. We all need your comforting touch and strong right hand to bring confidence that all will be well with Braden, by your will.

May the Holy Spirit guide the hands and the minds of Braden's doctors with wisdom and compassion.

We ask this in the name of your perfect, and loving Son Jesus Christ. Amen."  
Mark Rote

February 26, 2015...
UPDATE: Pet Scan, clear. Subtype, Embryonic. Best news we could get. Treatment begins Monday. Two more tests, Monday, to determine if disease has moved, but Docs are very optimistic it has not.  bN tGit

February 25, 2015...

"Braden started having minor headaches the last week of December, 2014. On Sunday, February 8th, he woke up with a horrible headache. Despite multiple trips to the doctor, nothing helped, and he had an MRI on Monday, February 16th. They found a mass in his sinus that was diagnosed with the help of an ENT and oncologist at Riley Children's Hospital as a Rhabdomyosarcoma."  Erin

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