Sunday, May 17, 2015

Praying through Cancer, April 2015

April 30, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, we rejoice in glad expectation that You have brought us to this day: Braden's final radiation treatment. We thank You for dedicated Dr's and the healing team at Riley Hospital. Their work in making hard ives easier is a transcendent kindness. This cup is difficult to bear, yet Your grace is sufficient and Your strength shines through our weakness. May the reflection of Your image, in Braden, Matthew, Erin and Kellen--point these selfless healers to You, the Great Physician. Today, make it GRACE. Through Christ, let it be.

We are eager to have you back home. Celebrate "today." Braden, Matthew, Erin and Kellen...The sprint event is nearly complete.  The marathon continues. Breathe. Smile. "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad." Love you all. 

April 29, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, thank you for stairs and strength You've given my grandson to "run to the top" because he COULD. Give us eyes to see, in our own lives, a thousand simple gifts given each day--that we might lavish You with praise and lounge in Your provision. Through Christ, let it be.

April 29, 2015...
"Loss isn't abandonment. It isn't the death of hope. It's an intersection where one can step back and see life, not just for what it isn't, but for what it is; it's at that place, in that moment, we see the goodness of God, and it's easy to be grateful."

From a recent Blog posting...Lost & Found
bN tGit

April 29, 10.15am, 2015...
"Thank you all for your prayers today! Braden's energy level, mouth pain, and nausea got much better as the day went on. He was able to get 5 feedings in with all his required meds! Please continue to pray for the next couple days as he finishes up radiation and gets ready to go home."  Matthew

April 28, 1.15pm, 2015...
"Prayer warriors please pray for Braden today. Braden woke up with a lot of nausea and pain from his mouth sores. Pray that the nausea ceases and that Braden is able to keep his medicine and food down today."  Matthew
April 27, 2015...
Father-in-heaven we are asking that You kill this tumor once and for all as Braden's radiation ends on Thursday. Through Christ, let it be.

April 25, 1.04pm, 2015...
"So this medicine called "irenitecan" was given to me three weeks ago, it caused horrendous mouth sores, so bad that I could hardly talk, much less eat... This past week, I took irenitecan again (it's one of the required chemo regiments) my mouth is starting to get bad again, so please pray that I feel relief from the mouth pain and that my mouth sores heal quickly. Pray that I am still able to eat."  Braden

April 25, 10.50am, 2015...
"Please cope with me - I miss having responsibilities with school... The only true responsibilities I possess now are making sure I get enough to eat, and making sure I don't get bone-skinny... It sounds like heaven doesn't it? No school, just eat and play video games all day; well... I'm telling you it is not. I wish I was back in school and had work to do and was surrounded by my friends and teachers everyday. Count your blessings my friends I have quite the testimony to share with My friends in Elkhart, granger, and... The WORLD - as the the truth said: "go and tell all the world and preach the good news to everyone" (Mk.15:16) Honestly, through all of this, I have never felt as much joy in my life as I have since diagnosed with cancer. Through all of the pain and suffering I have experienced, I have experienced double the relief and comfort, and I have found amazing pure excitement in being alive and seeing the buds grow back on the trees, and most of all, being with my family... My parents have told me that I seem like a different person, (in a good way), and I know jesus is really working through me and in me to influence others, and that is truly what I want to do with my life for the rest of my life. Thank you jesus!"  Braden

April 23, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, grateful for the team of healers you have surrounded Braden with. Humbled by the faithful friends you have surrounded our family with. Awed by the disciplined intercessors you have surrounded this entire journey with. Lifted-up by Your unfailing love surrounding us; empowering us for each next step. Thankful. Through Christ, let it be.

April 23, 2015...
"We saw Dr B, Braden's radiologist, for our official appointment Today. He said that Br
aden is doing really really great! He said that Braden has dodged a huge World War II style bomb and he's going to get through this. This tumor was going to take him out, but now we are giving it the middle finger(dr b's words)! He also showed me images from yesterday because I asked... and I saw no tumor from his nose down! That's the only pic he had in the system. He said 5 weeks earlier is was huge. Braden also had some hearing back today... He said about 70%! Off to chemo. Another good day!"  Matthew

April 22, 2015...
Psalm 46:1-2 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea." 

Thought: God is not only our protector; he is also our helper. Even when our world seems to be crashing around us, he is there. He will deliver us from death or deliver us through death. He will deliver us from evil < sickness > or he will deliver us to overcome evil < sickness >. Our task is totrust that in the midst of our earthquakes and tidal waves we are not alone or abandoned.

Prayer: Holy God, I pray for those today who are in the middle of life's earthquakes.  Braden, the Hartmans, and the Baiers,  You know those for whom I am concerned. You know I care about their struggles which are too big for me to mitigate and too painful for me to truly bring comfort. I ask you now, to bless them, be with them, and please deliver them quickly. You are our only true hope and Jesus is our only sure redeemer. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen."     
Mark Rote

April 20,  12.54pm, 2015...
"Just talked with the oncologist... She was amazed with the weight gain and by his appearance today! Braden has gained 7lbs since last Monday and the mouth sores are almost completely gone! She also said all signs are looking really good!!! Braden noticed more feeling today in his face and clinically looks much better every time. When we started radiation 4 weeks ago, Braden was completely numb from his ear to his chin on the left side. Today he has almost all of his feeling back! Praise Jesus! 'His mercies are new every morning; great is they faithfulness!'"   Matthew

April 20, 6.26am, 2015...
"Braden starts a five day chemo regimen today, along with continued radiation therapy. The last round with this medicine left him feeling pretty rotten. His doctors have adjusted some meds to combat the worst of the side effects and we are hopeful that this week will be better. Please join us in praying that this medicine would eradicate the cancer cells while sparing his healthy cells; that Braden would have the strength and stamina he needs, and that he would find joy in the journey. Thank you, friends!"  Erin

April 18, 2015...
"Awesome to be home together this weekend! Headed to Shipshewana, at Braden's request. Have a blessed day!"  Erin, Matthew, Braden and Kellen
Erin Baier Hartman's photo.

April 17, 2015...
Spoke with Braden last evening via phone call. This made my heart leap "Grampa, I feel normal today." 
Father-in-heaven thank you for giving Braden (and me) the kind of day he needs to keep moving forward in confidence and hope. Bring Matthew and him home today in safety--put us all in touch with joy, filled with hope and overflowing in gratitude; not because of a good day, but because that good day reminds us that we are loved by You, the Master and Creator of the Universe.  Through Christ, let it be.

April 16, 2015...
"As we were getting breakfast this morning we ran into the Pacers rep that set us up with the on court passes and autographed shoe on Tuesday. He came over to say hi and said he wanted to get Braden a couple more things. We followed him to the Pacers merchandise store and had Braden pick out some things he wanted. He bought Braden over $150 of Pacers merchandise on his dime! He also invited Braden to come back to bakers life next week to shoot some baskets in the gym. Thank you Brandon and thank you God for continuing to bless our journey!"  Matthew

April 14, 2015...
Father in heaven, thank You for cheese cake...and for the simple grace Braden enjoyed by eating a double measure Sunday evening. What a blessing it is to see a teen-age boy, acting like a teen-age boy. So grateful for this subtle answered prayer. You come to us through the details of our lives. So grateful. Through Christ, let it be.

April 14, 2015...
Coach Pagano came over to give Braden a hug. "Have faith, God has this!" Inspirational words from a cancer survivor! Thanks Coach! Go Colts!

April 14, 2015...
"Braden has his first physical therapy appointment today and He has not been looking forward to this. Pray for strength and for sense of purpose as he tries to gain his strength back. Also, pray that Braden is able to enjoy the day! We were given Pacers tickets for this evening… with a chance to watch pre-game and meet the players. Pray that Braden is feeling great and able to enjoy all of the festivities."  Matthew

"Braden did great with his physical therapy session today! He worked hard and had a great attitude about getting started. Continue to pray for energy, strength, and stamina as he works through his daily exercises and begins the journey back!"  

April 12, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, asking for a "strong heart" for Braden in the week ahead. It's been a tough two months--he feels it. I ask that Your instruction for us in 2 Corinthians be REAL in him this week. For though... "8 We are pressed on every side by troubles...we are not crushed. We are perplexed...not driven to despair. 9 We are hunted down...never abandoned by God. We get knocked down...we are not destroyed. 10 Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies." Encourage BraveHart. Through Christ, let it be.

April 12, 2015...
"With all of our family back under our own roof this weekend, Matthew and I spent some time going over household tasks--making sure bills were paid, groceries bought, needs met for next week in Indy and at home. At one point in the process, I just realized that every one of our needs at been met-and more- and I thought, "It's like the loaves and the fishes!" Well, of course it is. Because the very same God that fed the 5000 on the shore of the Sea of Galilee is alive and working in my life. I want to extend my deep, heartfelt thanks to the BraveHart community for your precious gifts of prayer, time, encouragement, food, donations, and the list goes on. Thank you for your part in God's provision for us through this storm. 'Now to HIm who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.'"  Erin
Ephesians 3:20-21.
April 10, 2015...
"Today is swallow study day! Braden's test is at 11:00 am. Praying for a normal result-he could use some good news today!!!"  Erin

"Today's swallow study: NORMAL!!! No more dietary restrictions! PRAISE GOD!!! Braden will have radiation this morning, then we will be heading home for the weekend. His first time in his own bed in a month. God is good!"  Matthew

April 9, 2015...
Father-in-heaven. Asking for a great day for Braden, Erin and Matthew. Encourage, empower and delight them today. Today--living fully in THIS moment lead them to joy that can't be touched by circumstance, confidence that can't be shaken by fear and love for each other that produces deep contentment. In Christ, let it be.
"Due to a miscommunication, Braden didn't have his swallow study today, but he will have one tomorrow at 8:30 am. Two doctors checked him out though, and from those exams, we know that Braden does indeed have his gag reflex back, appears to be swallowing normally, has more feeling on his left side and his hearing has also improved. He also has some symptoms (I'll spare you the details), that tumor cells are dying and being carried off by his immune system. PTL, PTL, PTL!!! On the flip side, the chemo he's on is causing a fair bit of trouble getting adequate nutrition and hydration, and he has continued to drop weight. We are on day 3 of switching up his routine to get more calories, and are hoping with a couple tweaks today, he will get the 3000 calories he needs. Thank you for your continued prayers!"   Matthew 

April 8, 2015...
"Braden had a great night's sleep and woke in good spirits. He was also able to get some much needed nutrition. Thank you for your prayers-we feel them!!"  Matthew

April 8, 2015...
"O LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. — Psalm 143:1

Thought: Some days are just plain tough! Those we care about are hurting. Our plans are falling through. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall at our feet. We cry out to God — sometimes in anger, sometimes in desperation, but especially for mercy. We need relief! We need hope! We need the Father to respond.

Prayer: Faithful and righteous God, loving Father, please come to my aide and bring me relief from my struggles with sin, with disease, with discouragement, with friends who are untrue, and with enemies who work for my humiliation and destruction. I need your help. I need your mercy. O, dear Father, I need to know your presence and power in my life today. In Jesus' sweet name I pray. Amen."  
Mark Rote

April 8, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, make it a GRACE day. May we have eyes to see Your GRACE working for us. May people we touch experience Your GRACE through us. May this difficult journey we are on become an archive of GRACE, filled with victory, praise, thanksgiving and transformation--we ask this, gracious Father, through Christ, our Lord, let it be.

April 7, 2015...
"Braden is a facing a few hurdles this week. He has continued to lose weight, and we are trying to increase his calories, but he is also struggling with nausea, so it's a delicate balance. He has also developed some pretty rough sores in his mouth, which are causing him a lot of pain. In addition, he has a follow up swallow study on Thursday. Three weeks ago, the doctor noticed that Braden had no gag reflex. This week, he has been gagging on his pills, which means, Yay! The gag reflex is back! We are hoping the study will be normal, which will mean he will have no more dietary restrictions. Thankful that Braden is continuing to show improvement-please join us in praying for his side effects to ease up so that he can regain some strength!"  Erin

April 6, 2015...
"Update: Braden continues to get more feeling on the left side of his face and the doctors are very encouraged by his progress! However, Braden's mouth sores continue to get worse from the radiation and chemo. Please pray for comfort and pain relief this week as we press on. Also, with mouth relief that he is able to eat the things he enjoys. Thank you friends!"  Matthew
April 3, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, the sun has come up on another Resurrection Day weekend. As we consider Your suffering, and celebrate Your victory over death, remind us of our access to Grace--through faith; remind us that You are present and involved in every detail of our lives; remind us that You are holding Braden securely in Your arms--and carrying us all through this valley. Remind us that it's Friday, but Sunday's comin'. Through Christ, let it be.

April 5, 2015...
"Praying for you Braden, my Warrior brother! Blessings from Colorado. So admire your courage and strength."  Danny Young

April 5, 2015...
"Happy Easter! He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed. Thinking and praying for your family today. Keep your chin up Braden. Blessings from Canada."  Tanya Scardera

April 5, 2015...
Hi Hartman Family! Wanted to show our support for Braden while visiting beautiful Mesa Falls in Idaho!
Sherry Auker's photo.

April 5, 2015...
Thank you Ronald MacDonalds an Coke for sending the family to the Final Four...
So grateful for such a fun night with family. Braden felt good all evening and loved the experience!
Matthew Hartman's photo.

April 2, 2015...
We ran into someone today at Riley... Go Irish!
Matthew Hartman's photo.

April 2, 2015...
Father-in-heaven, grant all those blessed by the hospitality of the Ronald McDonald House a stellar night of rest. Through Christ we ask, let it be.

April 2, 2015...
"Braden's spinal tap results are negative! Doctor just called with the news, No cancer in his spine! Although it was only a precaution, such a relief to hear. As always... Thank you all for your prayers! Please pray for a restful evening tonight. Braden is having some nausea, mouth discomfort and anxiety from it all. Thank you!Matthew 

April 1, 2015...
Giving thanks today for the generosity of friends, family and strangers who have given so generously in so many different ways to ease the burden and help carry the load for Matthew, Erin the boys. Never experienced anything like this. So very humbled by the goodness, the sacrifice, the profound concern you have extended...praying God's rich blessing on each one of you. Thanks--Ben & Laura Baier.

"We couldn't have said it better. It has just been amazing to see all the support the community has given us. Love you guys." Harold and Ali Hartman

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