Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year...indeed

Someone recently asked me about a passing comment I'd made about the Tower of Babel, wanting me to expand on what was said.

Over the years I've always attempted to find "dynamic equivalents" in the culture around me to help people understand a deeper principle from the Scriptures. The Tower of course was the ultimate expression of hubris on the part of humankind; our effort to shake a collective fist at God and say "See, you aren't so transcendent after all." Foolish pride led to an inflated opinion of who we were; God breathed, language changed and chaos ensued. We discovered we were no match for the transcendent God.

Fast forward to modern culture: God, in his grace, has allowed mankind to apply his intellect and ingenuity, these also graciously granted by God, to "discover" thousands of things that insulate us from the ill-effects of the fall: drugs, asphalt, steel, plastic, roads, air conditioning, engines, automation--the list is endless. We in turn, tainted by sin and swelled with pride, believeing ourselves to be wise "shake our fists" at God and say, "You see, the Scriptures are myth; there was a big-bang and then there was mankind and look at how we have evolved...we have the power to give and take life. We don't need myths to prop us up anymore. We are God."

In reality, everything we touch we corrupt. Look at what we call our "system of Justice." We condition the air at the same time we poison it with hydro-carbons. We pollute the planet, poison our bodies, can't beat cancer or aids and when/if we do, something else always emerges. Regardless of how effective we are at blunting the effect of sin on life and the planet, sin always trumps our best efforts...and God allows it, to point us to our need for a Savior and His gracious provision for our redemption.

The farther evolved civilization becomes the further it devolves into moral and spiritual chaos--abortion, failed economies, addiction, violence, corrupt governments, greed, broken relationships, idolotry, shaminism, social injustice. Think about it, in 1965 LBJ gave us the Great Society. These unfunded mandates have done nothing to enlighten culture and end poverty--but they have driven us to edge of bankruptcy and destroyed families while perpetrating genocide on the poorest of the poor. The smarter we get, the dumber we are. We can run from God, but we can't hide.

So then, civilization as we have fashioned it, has become humankind's' most recent "Tower of Babel;" the work of "our hands" which demonstrates our independence, our ability to "get it done without God." We set out to be like God, and in a final irony, we create the very modality that could be the end of life as we know it. We can destroy it, but we can't fix it..."and all the king's horses, and all the king's men, couldn't put humpty-dumpty back together again." 

The lie that deceived Eve, continues to vex us; but we aren't beaten. This Truth has set us free..."When we were utterly helpless...God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5.6a,8

Hallelujah, what a Savior!  Happy new year, indeed.

Beautiful minds...

The cause/effect relationship between the way we think and the outcomes we achieve is uncanny.  

A "mind," even a poorly developed one, is a powerful force.  God blessed us all with beautiful minds; having been fashioned in His image gives us access to resources beyond the natural, built right into our DNA.  

Our minds are, of course, the most unique aspect of our beings.  So...what are you doing with yours?  It's the first day of the rest of our lives, December 31, 2013;  a wonderful moment to look back at what was, then gaze into the new year at what might be.  

Here's a perpetual list I use to keep my life compass oriented, "true North." Quite frankly, this is a "three steps forward, two steps back" process much of the time; but even one step at a time is progress!
For a better 2014...
Go to and get out of bed earlier.
Be active, body and mind, with the extra morning time.

Give up painful thinking.
Don't throw others "under the bus."

Refuse to think like a victim.
Seek balance in my life.

Look for the best in people.
Find ways to add value to other peoples lives.

Give generously to a cause you feel great passion for.
Volunteer and serve in some fashion, some place.

Don't be a cynic.
Refuse to associate with negative people.

Spend time in dialogue with people who don't think like me.
Make the effort to grow my intellect and expand my perspective.

Transform obstacles into opportunities.
Begin something that makes me feel challenged.

Mentor someone younger and/or less experienced.
Find someone to mentor me; be accountable to someone.

Read good books that make me feel enriched.
Journal: keep it simple and short; then watch that discipline begin to expand. 

Finally, and most significantly...

"Love justice, do mercy and walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6.8

For me, it starts by asking God (again) to empower me to resolve and retool the way I think and as result, the way I experience life. 

"Father in heaven give me clarity to know myself; give me desire to reflect Christ; give me discipline to lean into You; give me focus to remain on task; give me wisdom to make 'best decisions.' All this through Jesus name I ask, amen."    bN

Sunday, December 29, 2013

How democracy ends.

While I don't believe the answer to our education challenge in America is to turn the keys back over to the unions, this is a clarion call to citizens; it's time we take the education of our Kids back from private and public politicians--regardless of who they might be, who they work for, or their party affiliation. It's been hijacked and demagogued by adults, labor AND management; they have all forgotten who matters--KIDS, and what's at stake--THE FUTURE OF THE NATION.

Follow this link..."This is how Democracy ends: Apology from a former teacher"


This from Linclon...

December 1, 1862 President Abraham Linclon reminded the nation...America is "the last best hope of the earth." 

Though often reviled around the world, I believe that President Lincoln's premise has been demonstrated time after time over the past 151 years.  We don't get it right every time.  But if we were hitting baseballs for a living...Cooperstown would be our next stop.

May God continue to bless America; may He empower us to be people of character and good will; with generous hearts, brilliant minds and dynamic vision...for making tHis world a better place.

I'm a child of the King, a steward of Terra Firma and a grateful citizen of the United States of America.  Blessed on every front.  bN

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The first day of the rest of my life.

Each year, on December 28, I pause to reflect on my story.

Life moves past us at such a brisk pace that it's easy to forget what life was like 45 years ago; what life could have been like, had God not intervened that night in 1968.  It was the last Saturday night of the year; I had a plan for my evening, and it certainly did not include an up close conversation with God.  But, He had a different plan...and, as it turns out, it changed my life forever.

But the path to that evening in 1968 started many years before...when my Grandmother, who lived with us at the time, would gather me up and carry me off to Church and Sunday School--I still have my first Bible, the one mom gave me to take to church with Grandma.  I didn't know, until I was a young adult, that my grandmother faithfully prayed for me each day--that "BJ would experience the power of Christ in his life and embrace Jesus as his Lord and Savior."  She eventually moved back to her roots in Fort Scott Kansas.  But I continued to get myself to church until 8th grade.

I don't recall why I decided to "drop out" but I'm sure it just didn't feel very "cool" to attend church and sunday shcool any longer--and since I went by myself, it was my decision to make.  Fast forward to the fall of my Jr. year in High School.  One evening I landed at a "Campus Life" meeting at the home of a classmate (Jim Rehnberg)...it was the kickoff for the school year and as advertised, it was a "Burger Bash"--all you could eat--and a huge crowd of students.  But I got more that evening than a big meal.  The Campus Life leader, Mark Zier, gave a short talk at the end and he asked the crowd..."If you died tonight, do you know where you're going?"  I didn't; it bothered me, then I moved on.

On the evening of December 28, 1968 I was set to attend an "Afterxms" party with some buddies (Jerry McClain was driving).  Our "wires got crossed" (coincidence?) and they never showed up; stuck, I recalled something was happening at the Rec-center with Campus Life that night--they called it a "Campus Life Rally."  There was a girl I had some interest in (Colleen Rehnberg) and I knew she would probably be there (I was right);  I managed to catch Mark (Zier) before he'd left his house.  He was delighted when I called, and he swung by and picked me up.  An evening of activities, music and then a guy, Roger Cross, got up and challenged me again about my life and death.  This time I was ready and wanted to get this question resolved; Mark talked with me and then invited me to pray a short, simple prayer, and the rest...is history.

1969 TOHS Prom 
Three weeks later I went to the Ventura "Rally" because Mark asked me to share about my recent conversion experience with that half of the county we lived in. Mark mentioned a girl he thought I'd really like, a cute sophomore at Buena HS named Laura--he wanted to introduce us; he was right.  In that span of three weeks I'd had two introductions that literally changed the direction and the outcome of my life: I'd trusted Christ and met my future wife--we married 3 years, 48 weeks and 6 days later.

My home was a rather complicated place.  Lot's of love and pain.  I was carrying some emotional baggage by that time and was making some bad choices.  Christ changed all that in an instant.  The baggage was there--if fact it didn't get fully "unpacked" for years.  But His presence in my life set me in a "best direction" that just never wavered.  Laura's family embraced me as a "son" as our relationship grew; they, especially her dad (my dad died suddenly in 1970), filled a great need in my life.

In the 80's there was a popular gospel song written by Bill Gaither that describes my story, I get choked up every time I sing it; the chorus declares..."Something beautiful, something good; all my confusion He understood, all I had to offer him was brokenness and strife, but He made something, beautiful, out of my life."

December, 28, 1968.  What a difference a day makes.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The snow switch has been flipped, again; my world has turned white with snow; fluffy, beautiful. Weather keeps life interesting. The seasons help me find a rythm I never experienced growing up in SoCal. It's refreshing. Life slows down; relationships breath deeply & gain strength growing deeper roots, becoming more initimate and real. I wouldn't change a thing, even if I could.  Merry Xristos!  bN

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

WRONG war!

The "culture war" is the wrong campaign.  It's a battle for minds.  People of faith are called to battle for hearts.  Little wonder minds have become utterly corrupt.  

In this process, we see how people of faith have been seduced too.  The culture war is self-serving.  It's an attempt to preserve and re-create a world less hostile, less chaotic, less wrong-headed for our benefit.  It's about preserving our values, protecting our children, maintaining equilibrium and economy so we can live out our god-informed vision of what our lives should be like.  This is normal; it's also carnal...it's the way most humans think and act.

That's not the vision people of faith have been called to by God. We have been called to social justice, to selfless living, to compassionate action; to loving the unreached citizens of this world like God does.  When people of faith do that, people with no hope notice. They understand that this kind of concern is counter-intuitive.  It's not the way normal people live; they want to know "why?"   

Peter's first letter to the church contains instruction for us...
"...in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3.15 NIV

We win the world one heart at a time gently, respectfully.  It can't be done with legislation.  We don't win them with constitutional amendments.  The silver bullet isn't packing the courts with the "right kind of thinkers."  It's done by living alongside people who aren't like children of the King, who don't share His values and act in ways that reflect how radically confused people without effective faith are.

When people of faith insert themselves into culture in a transformative way hearts begin to change.  When hearts begin to change, minds begin to change.  When hearts and minds begin to change, culture begins to change.  When people with no hope begin to see faith, hope and love in their neighborhoods, schools, workplaces they pay attention!  They realize they are thirsty, hungry and without hope.  They realize there's more, and they want to know where they can embrace it...one heart at a time.

For too many people of faith, living this way just isn't something we want to do.  We're more comfortable on church properties that create space between the world without effective faith and our world of grace.  We shield our children from the world without effective faith in ways that create fear and contempt in their hearts. We forget what life without grace is like, and we become entrenched in a battle for minds using the least effective means available to us--the wisdom and power of the world system. 

Little wonder we seem befuddled, put-off by what Jesus described as "sheep without a shepherd."  They aren't like us, they don't think or act like us.  They are driven by differnt values, often by different passions.  Yet, they carry the same godly imprint on their souls that people of faith reflect...we are all created in His image.  We are all loved with an unconditional love.  We all have access the same unmerited overflow of His grace.  We are all sinners in need of a Savior. 

These lost sheep, souls, are not the enemy.  They are victims in Satan's attempt to foil the purpose of God in the redemption of all people.  That purpose begins with a battle for hearts...and minds will follow.  We win hearts when in the power of the Spirit we come along side these unlovely people and their messy lives and seek to serve them in compassion, with sacrifice through love. 

One heart, one mind... gently, respectfully, powerfully.  bN

Monday, December 23, 2013

Truth is...

Truth is to living what physics is to life.

Physics is like a rail that gives structure to life.  We can't "see, smell or hear" the laws of physics, but without them, nothing works; what we do see, smell and hear is the result of these laws being applied with purpose or spontaneously.

In the same way truth is the rail living rides on. Ethics, the rule of law, cultural norms, relationships, parenting, good government, freedom--to name but a few aspects of living--all work based on a set of core values, derived from the common grace of God, who wired humankind with an intrinsic sense of what truth is and an understanding of what's "right."

Truth, like physics, does not function in a deterministic way. I can ingore Newton's Law of Gravity and embrace a belief that I can float, then step off the top of a tall building. Newton's Law does not override my right to choose. But my choice to embrace and believe I can float will not prevent a very bad outcome.

I can believe that truth is relative, subject to change, given to multiple definitions or simply an outdated cultural moray. People, and cultures, can choose to ignore the truth, or worse, be deceived and believe a lie--at great peril. The reality of these choices is sobering; culture spirals out of control, chaos trumps the rule of law, justice is driven by pop-culture and becomes a "moving target," bondage becomes the norm and brokeness the face of a nation.

Life does not work without physics.  Living does not work without truth. 

Truth sets us free.  bN  

Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's simple...

God's love is simple.  The Word became flesh.

"When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners...God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us..."  Romans 5.6,8

Christmas is joyous because God's love never fails.

To all our friends, family and those who stumble into this blog posting, Merry Xristos and best wishes for a prosperous   New Year.  bN

Friday, December 20, 2013

Phil "fouled" up...

Duck Dynasty responds...

This troubles me. I admire and respect the Robertson Clan. But the Duck Commander was wrong.

The tell-tale comment, for me (in the family statement), was "While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse..." coarse indeed; the remarks were "unfiltered" because Phil failed to season his freedom to speak with loving, godly restraint. The "but" that follows does NOT mitigate the inappropriateness of the way Phil described his objection to Homosexuality.

If a pastor used the same language with a congregation, it would scandalize the saints--I realize that's not difficult to do, but in this case, it would be an appropriate response. 

I share Phil's faith and his values. I don't share his decision to go "on the record" to put his EARTHY spin on those values and in the process distort God's mission to save people--he may have thought it clever, perhaps instructive, but those were not words that honored God. 

As difficult as it is to embrace (who can fully understand the depth and breadth of Grace?), God loves all of us, REGARDLESS of our sin--and desires that "none should perish."  So intense is His love for humankind that He gave His beloved Son to remove the taint and penalty of sin.  Phil's remarks did not reflect that love...and that was an unfortunate error--another reminder that we are all flawed and in need of God's grace.

Phil simply needed to allow the Scriptures, the full discourse on sin and God's resolution of that gash on His crowning creation (because of His unfailing love), to speak for him and for people of faith--period.  God's Word, His narrative, does not need help. 

Done.    bN

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Science and Art...

The election of 1800 required 32 elector ballots before Jefferson prevailed to become the nation's 3rd President.  Talk about controversy!

In his first inaugural address, March 4, 1801, President Thomas Jefferson made this remark.  

"All will bear in mind the sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful, must be reasonable.  That the minority posses their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.  Let us then, fellow citizens, unite in one heart and one mind."  

There is Political Science, then there is the Art of Power.  Today we have leaders, in both parties, who are not schooled in exercising the art of power.  Then there are the citizen groups, the "red meat freaks," on both the left and right who can't/won't tolerate the art of power.  The result is what we see in DC today.

In less than a year we will go to our polling-places for the Mid-Term election of 2014.  So much hangs in the balance.  I hope that we will be blessed with leaders, on both sides of the isle, committed to making the American "idea" (not the Dream) a reality again.

May God bless America's leaders in 2014 with "art" (statesmanship) to empower our process to work justly, compassionately and humbly; and...with integrity to act in the best interest of the people, rather than their parties or own self-interest. 

May He also deliver us from ALL those bad actors in Citizen groups, without regard for their orientation,  seeking to force the country on a path that suits only their vision of what America was, is and must become.

Let freedom ring.  bN

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Goof Proof!

"The Incarnation of Christ serves as a glorious reminder that God’s willingness 
to clean things up is infinitely bigger than our willingness  to mess things up."

Not only DO we "mess things up" we don't have the ABILITY or the PROCILIVITY to get things right!  Not to worry, the God of the universe has our backs.  The Word became flesh and dwellt among us.  Emanuel.

Merry Xristos.   bN

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Bill of Rights... Good call.

During the battle to ratify the US Constitution, many Americans worried that the founding document failed to list specific rights to be protected against government's tendency to abuse power. Thomas Jefferson gave voice to their concerns in a letter to James Madison: "A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth...and what no just government should refuse."

Reluctant at first, Federalists agreed to add amendments protecting personal liberties. Madison along with several others, crafted a set of 10 Amendments, a "Bill of Rights," which ironically, were ratified December 15, 1781. These of course, constitute the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution.

These are historic days. Regardless of what the future holds, the strength of our Nation is demonstrated by the civility of our process.  I pray the extremists on both sides of the isle, and their Citizen Groups, will take a breath and stop talking.

I am proud to be an American. God bless America.  

Merry Xristos.  bN

Friday, December 13, 2013

He is not the reason...

We are the reason for the season; He is the answer to our dilemma.  

"When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners...God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us..."  Romans 5.6,8

Christmas is joyous because God's love never fails.

In Christ, Shalom L'Chaim.  

MerryΧριστός (Xristos).

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Tattered Stable...

Delighted to share this from a very talented writer, thinker and friend...Lori Schuster VenderLende.  Thanks for giving us a voice Lori!

"Away in the manger
no crib for a bed
the exhausted Lord Jesus
laid down his tired head,
and pounded it on the table
Again and again and again.

Oh Winter Tree
Oh Winter Tree
How lovely are your barren branches.
The Nativity is empty
save for the snowplow parked underneath
the tattered gable
where an Angel once stood watch.

Shut your eyes, children
Shield your ears
The courthouse lawn is strewn with religiosity
Now go and watch your MTV.

And a mile up the road,
three well-dressed kings of Orient are
hitching a ride in a gas guzzling car.
They’ve lost their way
misplaced their star,
along the coastal highway.

There is no room in the PC ring
for people who worship a small infant King.
But the credit cards are flying
pulled by eight tiny non-denominational reindeer
and Madison Avenue is praising Jesus.

We wish you a Merry something.

So, have yourself a Silent Night.
The choirs have given up the fight,
the instruments nestled all snug in their bed
while Jesus is nursing His tired aching head.
And Peace on Earth is in the Court
the First Noel a brainless tort.

We the people of the United States of America
have lost our collective minds.
And now the bullies are running the show,
and we are just plain running.
So help me ACLU.

Joy to the World.
Unless it can be thwarted,
by the ones who never learned
to play well with others.
The ones who took the ball home
so no one could enjoy the game.
They look out the windowand smile
at the snowplowparked under the gable
of the empty stable.

Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

Live it well...bN tGit

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bleeding out...

Culture in America is on an inverted spiral out of control--devolution.  "Civil rights" have replaced "the moral imperative" as the final arbitrator in America.  We've come to embrace the idea it's (here's the irony)  "immoral" to deny the rights of individuals to act as they see fit as long is "no one is hurt in the process."  But this rubric fails to understand that morality isn't defined as just "the absence of a victim."  Debased behavior, wether it's Wall Street, the Silver Screen, Congress, Education, Church or at home diminishes the entire culture and has set in motion a "death by a thousand cuts" cultural bleed-out.

In the name of freedom we have acted in ways that have produced unintended consequences.  We have come to believe that because we have the protection under law to do something, produce something, say something--we can.  The problem is that liberty in that context is license--and license leads, inevitably, to lawlessness.  One of the most important lessons I learned at home was this; just because I CAN do something, doesn't not mean I SHOULD do it. 

If we as a culture, can get back to this simple lesson and apply it with consistency to the way we LIVE our lives, run our companies, invest our money, lead our homes, churches, communities and our nation, THEN I believe we will have taken a FIRST-STEP toward restoring sanity to our decision making process and rebuilding the ramparts that protect our culture from evil and devolution toward certain destruction.

But mark this, healing our culture must ultimately address our spiritual need.  The Older Testament prophet Micah lived in a truly evil world.  The theme of his prophetic letter stresses the integral relationship between true spirituality and righteous conduct. Toward the end of his letter he turns to an axiomatic concern: Micah 6.6 "...with what shall I come to the Lord and bow myself before the God on high?"   In today's vernacular it might sound something like this..."What kind of life will reflect and infuse truth in a world whose reality is based solely on pragmatism and driven by relativism?"  He reveals that answer to us in chapter 6, verse 8... 

"He has showed you O man, what is good.  To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."   Micah 6.8

Friends, it's not a fiscal cliff we see looming on the horizon.  bN

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Success & Failure...

Several years ago I decided it was time to fix my shoulder--torn rotator cuff, labrum and a large calcium deposit on my bursa.  I'd postponed the inevitable surgery for 42 years. Two months after the repair I began my rehab process.  I am intrigued by how fast our joints "freeze up" and muscles atrophe when we don't use them. As I strained to lift my arm above my shoulder, I could only move it half that distance; no matter how hard I tried--I could not "will" it up. Getting my "shoulder back" took discipline and hard work.

Life is like that too. When we live careless, reckless, aimless lives, we miss the best life has to offer. People are filled with potential; we are "wired" for growth, relationships, productivity and yes, achievement. Realizing these possibilities brings shape to life, purpose for living; talent and apptitude must be transformed into ability by disciplined effort. "Willing" it won't make it happen. Success and failure are two sides of the same coin and people tend to get what they expect. Our expectations tend to dictate our effort; dicipline tends to dictate our success. Successful people do the things unsuccessful people aren't unwilling to do; the door to success isn't hard to see, but it demands much of those who choose to pass through it.

But, what about "life" after death?  People of faith believe that we've been created with eternity in our hearts. The Scriptures tell us that...

"When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners...God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us."  Rom 5.6,8 NLT

We embrace this gracious provision by trusting Christ as our Lord and Savior. But this kind of effective faith doesn't just kick back and "let it happen." Saving faith points us to "a long obedience in the same direction." Life becomes the canvas where we see worked out, what God has worked in. Like purposeful living, spiritual strength and godly character are the by-products of disciplined effort. The apostle Paul understood this...

"Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified." 1 Cor 9.24-27 NLT

Good outcomes don't just happen.  Life and eternity demand our very best and our very best is always more than enough.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Infamy and grief.

December 7, 1941. 
   2400 dead. 1200 wounded.
   18 US Ships and 300 planes destoryed or damaged.

"A date that will live in infamy"   President Roosevelt

"I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in him a terrible resolve."  Admiral Yamamoto

Both men were right; the world was rescued from an "Axis of evil," but not before millions lost their lives and the planet was gashed by nuclear weapons. 

America, an idea that produces passion to sacrifice.
Freedom isn't free.

bN tGit

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lost and found...

Christmas is, for many, a difficult passage at the end of each year.  Because our memories are so strong, and so many memories are surfaced by this blessed time of year, those who have experienced loss, feel it most acutely over the six weeks from Thanksgiving to the New Year.  I'm reposting a blog I first wrote two years ago about the mystery and paradox we call "loss."  For those in pain today...

"Loss. I've had my share over the years.

Two weeks after I graduated from High School, my father died, I was 17. In 1984, just after my 31st birthday, my mother died . I was 38 when I learned I had diabetes. I began a 'rest of my life' battle with skin cancer in 1996, at age 43. Disappointment...oh my, where do I start. Failure--several crushing instances. Unrealized dreams, of course.

My story isn't unique. It's called, 'being human.'  Loss is just a part of the 'living experience.' Life is hard, and, can be very harsh. Loss, though we all face it, is not simply a one size fits all process. For some, loss means never experiencing 'what could have been.'  For others it's remembering 'what was.'  For all of us it's losing people we love, to death. Life's 'Harsh passages' include broken relationships, disease, tragic accidents, children 'lost' in adolescence and never able to move on to productive adult lives, addiction, betrayal, unfaithful spouses and/or friends, failure...have I described your 'loss-story' yet?

Recently, an extended family member, and friend, facing a number of very difficult circumstances posted a comment about loss, she concluded, 'Easy to be philiosophical...easy to be grateful too.' As I paused to reflect on her words, I was struck by this profound insight.

'Easy to be grateful too...'  Really?  We can't, generally, control loss. Bad things happen to good (and bad) people. We can, however, control our attitude and our response to loss. We can ask 'why me?' or we can declare'"why NOT me!' That's the 'philosophical' part.

The 'grateful' part comes when, our pain notwithstanding, we aren't swallowed by bitterness; through the darkness of the moment, we still see the sunshine we've experienced over the years--as well as the expectation that the sun will shine again. Loss frames our perspective. It reminds us of the providence of God and the blessings we enjoy and have enjoyed through the ebb and flow of life. It's ironic, loss and gratitude are two sides of the same coin. Tennyson understood this when he penned 'It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.'

The sentiment that struck me as so profound was 'easy.'  It just never occurred to my friend to not be grateful. The emotional and spiritual place that she 'lives' made gratitude a logical extension, not of her pain, but of His promise. The Psalmist (42.5) said it this way..

'Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God.'

Loss isn't abandonment. It isn't the death of hope. It's an intersection of life where one can step back and see life not just for what it isn't, but for what it is; it's at that place, in that moment, we see the goodness of God, and it's easy to be grateful.

Lost and found. A fitting description."

My Christmas wish list...

The 7 modern sins...
  • Wealth without work
  • Industry without morality
  • Worship without sacrifice
  • Politics without principles
  • Science without humanity
  • Knowledge without character
  • Pleasures without conscience
Work, morality, sacrifice, principles, humanity, character and conscience.  This is my Christmas wish list for America in 2013; my prayer for my nation in 2014 and beyond...

"Father create in us a hunger for what is right and just.  Help us to understand...that a love of money, is the root of all evil; that work is an honorable endeavor that shapes our character and gives us meaning and purpose; that industry must, in the end, produce social justice and opportunity for all; that politics is the business of the people, by the people and for the people and is the most noble and self-sacrificing life call a citizen can pursue; that we celebrate what science discovers in the context of enriching our appreciation for our uniqueness as humankind and creating in us a deeper spiritual hunger; that we seek knowledge as a path to humility; that pleasure be the by-product of good character, honest work and noble intention, and not an end in itself; that we understand that living a values-centered life does by definition require sacrifice...and may all this lead us to declare that 'You, are the awesome God.'"

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The harvest is nearly all in.

In my time zone, it will be Thanksgiving day in 2 minutes. These are times that challenge us all; but joy, real joy, can't be touched and isn't determined by circumstance...

"Lord empower us to drill down deep and discover joy in simplicity; a kind touch, a gentle word, a thoughtful deed, a smile, a poignant moment, a deep reflective breath. Use us as instruments that produce a concert of joy in every context we find ourselves this day, and every day. Amen."

Make this 2013 edition a happy ThanksGIVING.   bN

Saturday, November 16, 2013


A month of "thanks-giving"...November 15.

Laura and I invested 24 years in ministry.  Like most people who pursue that call, tenure in one place is the exception, not the norm.  

Prior to our arrival in Elkhart, 6 years was the "high water" mark for our service in one place.  Hard to put down roots and feel like you are part of a place when--you're not.

Thankful that as of July 4, 2013 we have called Elkhart home for 19 years and last April 13, 2013 we celebrated 12 years with State Farm.  Normal feels pretty good.

Color me thankful.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Listening to the Old Beatles tune this morning, "Help."
"When I was younger, so much younger than today 
I never needed anybody's help in any way
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured
Now I find, I've changed my mind, I've opened up the doors.

And now my life has changed in, oh, so many ways
My independence seems to vanish in the haze
But every now and then I feel so insecure 
I know that I just need you like I've never done before.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down 
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you, please, please help me?" 

As I was taken back to another (younger) time in my life, it occurred to me that the (young) Beatles had uncanny insight in writing about what happens to us as we move through the final third of our lives; a time filled with loss and tradeoffs.

While we can't "do it all" anymore (not that we ever could), the tenderness we experience as our spouses, kids, and friends "stand in the gaps" is profound.  We discover the rich, mysterious, blessing of interdependence.

Help is good. Life is "grand."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

It's Enough.

Today's predicted high: 49.  "It's begining to feel alot like...WINTER." 

But that's just fine. Lawns are done for the season, the air is crisp and filled with the fragrance of fresh coffee; as the season changes and our pace slows down, a new perspective emerges. 

We glance back--and give Thanks.  We look up--and are humbled by "the Word made flesh."  We anticipate 2014--and feel energized by the prospect of a fresh start.

But life happens TODAY.  Today is where we live; that's all we have, that's all we need. 

It's enough.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Please, tell me...

Why is the express line, not very "express?"  Why is over-night delivery always 2nd day?  Why do yellow lights make people see red?  Why is urgent rarely important?

Why do we expect politicians to lie to us, and then get upset when they do?  Why do we complain about the quality and direction of government, then refuse to vote?  Why do we ask government to lower our taxes then complain when they reduce our services?  Why do so many parents think they can do a better job teaching than our teachers, but make so little effort at educating their children?

Why do we make vows we don't really intend to honor?  Why do we "honor" people we often don't respect?  Why are love and heartbreak two sides of the same coin?  Why do we swear on a book we don't revere?

Why are teachers accountable, but parents aren't?  Why do we need a license to marry, but not to parent? Why can a 15 year old get an abortion, but not a divers license?  Why do we mandate an education for "students" who won't try, don't care and refuse to cooperate?

Why do we feel sympathy for those with great need and outrage for those with great privilege?  Why is the Humane Society only about animals?  Why do we pretend everyone should be treated the same way, when we know that's not the way life really works?  Why do we act like everyone is born with the same set of genes, when we know that's just not true?  Why is "Affordable Health Care" so unaffordable?

Why does the right to privacy trump the right to life?  Why is profile a dirty concept when, if applied appropriately, it can save innocent life? Why does our Constitution work harder for criminals than for good citizens?  Why are some lives more valuable that others?

Why is justice such a fleeting ideal?

Tell me, please...

Eternity can wait...

A month of "thanks-giving"...November 2.

Dad died, July 1970, age 55. Mom died, December 1984, age 53. Never really expected to outlive them; THANKFUL to be on my way to my 6th decade...60 and counting.

God created us with eternity in our hearts; His preface and introduction for my "life" has exceeded my expectations.

God willing, eternity...can wait.

"...times that try men's souls."

"These are the times that try men's souls" wrote Thomas Paine in his pamphlet "The American Crisis" published Dec 23, 1776; the Colonies faced the almost certain prospect of defeat in their war for indpendence. Paine implored Americans "don't give up the fight."

As the curtain begins to drop on 2013: our economy continues to misfire, the world is a more dangerous place than ever, we face the prospect of a nuclear Iran--still, an ascendant China, troubling news about the future of Healthcare, poor leadership--on both sides of the aisle--from those we've elected to make good decisions; but the fact is that virtually every generation of Americans were forced to face down a crisis...and they survived, thrived and grew strong on the idea of the American Dream.

We must remember to "keep the main thing," the main thing. The "idea of America" has been the fuel driving our resolve to be "one nation, under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all;" an idea those who traveled this way before us thought to be worth sacrificing, fighting and dying for.  Indifference to this "big idea" is the real, the urgent threat to our liberty.

Resolve to do your part; work hard, make informed decisions, be a person of strong character, celebrate interdependence and respect people who disagree with you--but press them to think outside their "box" and you, think outside yours. Don't give in to tyranny, fear or indifference--be strong and of good courage. Let's leave a legacy that will inspire a new generation.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Forever Friends...

When I was a younger man, we enjoyed poking fun at M.W. Smith's song "Friends" because it just seemed so schmultzy..."friends are friends forever."

Here's what I've discovered the hard way: not all friends are created equal...but soul-friends are friends forever--nothing schmultzy about that. 

Today I'm thinking about Dave and Deb...soul-friends for 27 years and not counting.  Praying you through this latest passage of life.     

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dear Mr. President...

"WE the PEOPLE in order to form a more perfect union...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." 
Preamble to the Constitution
"...to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; and whenever any Form of Government becomes destrutive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government." 
Declaration of Independence
"...Citizens of the United States do not exist to support and serve the government. Quite the contrary; our Constitution makes it very plain that the government is a creation, and servant, of the People. They pay for it, and they maintain it. If need be, Mr. Obama, they also have the right to dismantle it and start over."
Michael Nellet   "A Basic Economic Lesson for Mr. Obama" 
Dear Mr. President...

I know you get it; what's troubling is your presumption that because you believe America needs to be fundamentally transformed--that, your opinion, gives you the right to exercise the power of the Presidency in ways that violate the trust given to you in 2008. You don't own the Presidency, the People lend our Presidents power and expect they will use, but not abuse it.

Last year you described a classic American experience, people helping each other up the ladder--part of what makes our culture exceptional. Then it became clear as you continued, that you don't get it at all. In your vision of our country, "behind every successful entrepreneur there stands a successful government (Rich Lowry)."  Nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is, Mr. President, that behind our government--the oldest most successful Republic on earth--stand exceptional citizens, who believe in a big idea birthed in the crucible of revolution, which make it great. It's this "citizen DNA" that makes democracy work. Our money builds those bridges, dams and roads, that "infrastructure;" our engineers vision and design them and our labor force contructs them; our hard earned tax dollars pay for them. Government has a role, but make no mistake: the People preceded the Government and it is this Nation's People that make her great, government possible and dreams come true.

Mr. President, the People did not anoint you to Federalize mentors, teamwork and pro bono benevolence. That's not a function of government, never has been, never will be; it's part of the character of our People and has marked every generation for 237 years. The genesis of this kind of generosity is the goodness of our People and our willingness to help each other; our passion for helping others improve their lot in life, realize a dream, move across socio-ecomic barriers and beat the odds. That's just what we do; we give back and we give generously without concern for what "our fair share" might be. That's why America is the most generous Nation on the planet; this is a place where in spite of evil, goodness does eventually prevail.

Please, Mr. President, reconsider your campaign to reinvent America in the image of collectivism. That sets the bar far to low and will surely relegate us to the backwaters of the 21st Century. The world will be a far less humane place if that becomes our destiny.

Mr. President, like many politicians, you often conclude your prepared remarks with a simple yet profound blessing; "God bless America." I pray that you will be energized by the possibilities contained in that simple phrase; that you will lift your eyes from the horizon, to the heavens and be gifted with a fresh vision much bigger than "a fair share." A vision rooted in grace, driven by faith and powered by obedience.

Mr. President, may God bless you.

Ben Baier