Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Tattered Stable...

Delighted to share this from a very talented writer, thinker and friend...Lori Schuster VenderLende.  Thanks for giving us a voice Lori!

"Away in the manger
no crib for a bed
the exhausted Lord Jesus
laid down his tired head,
and pounded it on the table
Again and again and again.

Oh Winter Tree
Oh Winter Tree
How lovely are your barren branches.
The Nativity is empty
save for the snowplow parked underneath
the tattered gable
where an Angel once stood watch.

Shut your eyes, children
Shield your ears
The courthouse lawn is strewn with religiosity
Now go and watch your MTV.

And a mile up the road,
three well-dressed kings of Orient are
hitching a ride in a gas guzzling car.
They’ve lost their way
misplaced their star,
along the coastal highway.

There is no room in the PC ring
for people who worship a small infant King.
But the credit cards are flying
pulled by eight tiny non-denominational reindeer
and Madison Avenue is praising Jesus.

We wish you a Merry something.

So, have yourself a Silent Night.
The choirs have given up the fight,
the instruments nestled all snug in their bed
while Jesus is nursing His tired aching head.
And Peace on Earth is in the Court
the First Noel a brainless tort.

We the people of the United States of America
have lost our collective minds.
And now the bullies are running the show,
and we are just plain running.
So help me ACLU.

Joy to the World.
Unless it can be thwarted,
by the ones who never learned
to play well with others.
The ones who took the ball home
so no one could enjoy the game.
They look out the windowand smile
at the snowplowparked under the gable
of the empty stable.

Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

Live it well...bN tGit

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