Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Christmas wish list...

The 7 modern sins...
  • Wealth without work
  • Industry without morality
  • Worship without sacrifice
  • Politics without principles
  • Science without humanity
  • Knowledge without character
  • Pleasures without conscience
Work, morality, sacrifice, principles, humanity, character and conscience.  This is my Christmas wish list for America in 2013; my prayer for my nation in 2014 and beyond...

"Father create in us a hunger for what is right and just.  Help us to understand...that a love of money, is the root of all evil; that work is an honorable endeavor that shapes our character and gives us meaning and purpose; that industry must, in the end, produce social justice and opportunity for all; that politics is the business of the people, by the people and for the people and is the most noble and self-sacrificing life call a citizen can pursue; that we celebrate what science discovers in the context of enriching our appreciation for our uniqueness as humankind and creating in us a deeper spiritual hunger; that we seek knowledge as a path to humility; that pleasure be the by-product of good character, honest work and noble intention, and not an end in itself; that we understand that living a values-centered life does by definition require sacrifice...and may all this lead us to declare that 'You, are the awesome God.'"

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