Sunday, March 20, 2022

Metrics matter!

A favorite movie of mine is The Delivery Man. It's entertaining, but the hook for me is the underlying message. It's a call to rethink the metrics of how we establish value. 

We come to the apex of the message in the closing "reveal" scene in The Delivery Man. It's an up-close conversation between a father and a son. The son delivers meat for this father's meat cutting business.

This treasured son, grappling with his understanding of who he is and feeling like a failure and a disappointment, says to his father, "I'm a meat truck driver. I'm an incompetent meat truck driver." To which his father replies "You ARE an incompetent delivery man. It takes you four times longer to deliver the meat than any other driver. But, everywhere you go, they love you."

So, how do you measure success?

Metrics matter.

One life.
Burn bright and...


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