Sunday, February 7, 2021

Oh so Super!

Regardless of the narrative being advanced by many today, America is unique.

It's amazing what people can do when given the freedom to succeed AND to fail. 

Our "Super Bowl" has become a metaphor.

Back in July, each team started at the same place, 0-0, as every other franchise in the NFL. Now, 106 young men, two teams remain standing; black, white, brown...not all born equally, privileged start and not. All shapes sizes...some more talented than others. All making the most of what they've been given, working hard, and sacrificing for a dream. Working together to create synergy. All competing on a level playing field, and yet, a few with a clear advantage over others, not all endowed equally--size, strength, speed. All paid, what the market will bear for their service--some much more than others.

That said, each strives to overcome, to elevate their game and maximize their opportunity, against all the odds. The underdog can prevail because "heart" can't be measured. Mistakes will be made, injuries will occur that force a change to the gameplan, and the unexpected, will be the norm. Bad calls? No doubt, someone is going to feel like it wasn't fair. Most will perform up to standard, a few will be disappointed--and not play well at all. The ball will be dropped, and it will take some bad bounces. But there won't be any do-overs. One performance will be judged most outstanding of all...and propel that player to a new level of achievement and notoriety.

At the end of the day, some will win, others will lose, and Monday morning? Each will crawl out of bed and begin again.   They will attempt to make the ascent to the top of their profession; each sore, tired, some beaten, all driven by conviction: it's a new day, it's a new opportunity, "I believe 'it' can happen, if I work hard, stay focused and apply myself."

This hope compels them to bear down, start over, and try again. They will take what they learned (the good, the bad, and the ugly), winners and losers, and use that as leverage to get better, and they will--because they see the future is filled with open doors.

I believe this is why this night, this event, is more celebrated, anticipated, and watched than any other on the calendar in America. It reflects our hopes and dreams, our core values as a nation, at so many levels. We watch these young men compete and we are reminded, dreams come true here; hard work pays here, the hope of success far outweighs the risk of failure. Bottom line: "It can happen, it does happen." If it doesn't? Failure isn't the end of the world, it's the beginning of a new cycle.

Everyone has to play by the rules, but the rules aren't designed to produce pre-determined outcomes. So, many compete, some win, some lose; some never win or lose, because they never try, that's ok too. America is a place where dreaming is a part of our culture, where we, as free people, set the bar, where people can "do better", and to no one's surprise, we do.

So there it is; our unique approach to the way we live empowers our consistently exceptional results.  America, "we hold these 


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