Saturday, January 18, 2020

Gratefully giving Thanks!

I have a few minutes to reflect with you about how grateful I am as we merge into the 2020 lane.  

I am blessed. Not because life hasn't taken anything away from me, or disappointed me. Not because every dream I ever had for my life has played out in spades.

I'm blessed because the older I get, the more acutely aware I am that life is hard, harsh--unfair and riddled with sorrow. Yet in spite of that, as I look back I see God's fingerprints--His grace--all across my 66, closing in on 67, years.

I'm thankful for my family of origin. It was a perfectly normal not-perfect home, but we were loved with a sacrificial provision. I remember Hody's Drive-in, singing in the family station wagon, Christmas mornings, baseball card collections, my parents trusting me. Back yard barbecues. Working in the family business.  My home gave me my foundation, my work ethic, many of my core values and showed me what it means to be a responsible adult.

I'm thankful for my brother and sister, Brad and Tamara. I was the proud younger brother to Brad and the protective older brother to Tamara. I love them both and appreciate all we share and their part in making me, me.

I'm thankful for my Grandma Blankenship, and my Aunt Carolyn, who stood in the gap for me, prayed for me and lovingly intervened on my behalf when I desperately needed an advocate; for my cousin Patty who was like a big sister to me.

I'm thankful for friends, made a life-time ago, that have come back into my life through social media. The memories we share form a strong bond and a rich tapestry woven from the community we shared together growing up in a little town North-West of LA called Thousand Oaks. These people helped give me a good start.

I'm thankful for Mark, who showed me what effective faith consisted of and then mentored me in the early years of my walk with Jesus Messiah. He then introduced me to the girl who would become the woman I've shared my life with for 47 years and challenged me to pursue a call into ministry--which extended into 26 years.

I have friends in 4 different States who have blessed us over the years; North Carolina, California, Illinois, and Indiana, over the past 47 years. People have loved us well at every stop.  They mentored us as a "just married" college couple at Duke.  They befriended us as co-sojourners with growing families in our early years when I was a young Merchandising Exec.  They allowed us to lead them as their "clergy couple" over 18 plus years as a Lead Pastor at three stops--California, Illinois, and Indiana. Many of these folks remain in close contact with us.

I'm thankful for the years I spent a Duke University--an opportunity that wasn't even on the radar when I finally sat down to consider where I might pursue my college ambitions.  Yet when the time was right, God delivered me to that place--and a paid-in-full promise.

I'm thankful for my Talbot Seminary experience. 
My brain finally unfolded, and study became a discipline that shaped my life and my ministry. The timing was all wrong but so right. This was such a formative time in my life. 

I'm thankful for Laura, my wife.  She is my very best friend. She has worked alongside me, loved me, made our home a place of nurture for our children, supported us all in the pursuit of our dreams. She has stood by me through some very deep water; I'm so grateful. She is an immensely talented woman with extraordinary gifts as a musician, homemaker, and grandmother.

I'm thankful for Laura's parents, Gene and Janice. They loved us well and were generous with their love, wisdom and support. They left such a legacy of Godliness and service. They became the second set of parents to me--so critical because I lost my dad at age 17 and my mom at age 31. They stood in the gaps for me.

I'm thankful for my kids, Erin and Joseph. They have become such good citizens, parents and are raising their kids with love, grace and sacrifice. They are my friends; intelligent and stimulating, opinionated, and articulate. They have such passion for the ideas they believe in. Best of all, they love Jesus Messiah and endeavor to live in a manner that reflects His image to their worlds.

I'm thankful for Matthew and Miranda, my son and daughter-in-law. They are talented, compassionate people, love my kids well, and are wonderful parents. I prayed even before our children were born for that person they may eventually share their lives and dreams with. God did well. They are companions on the Way with our children and have established homes that honor Christ and serve Him.

I'm thankful for our six grandchildren; Braden, Kellen, Gabriella, Grayson, and sweet little Gwendolyn, who shares my birthday. Grandchildren are everything that's right about life. Pure joy, delight, potential. There isn't anything quite like the blessing grandkids introduce into our lives. These five, plus one we won't meet till we see her in eternity, make my heart explode with joy, pride, and thanksgiving.

Our firstborn grandson, Braden, marks his fourth New Year in the company of King Jesus. He lost his battle with cancer on June 28, 2016--passing into his Savior's loving arms. He lived it well. The legacy he left behind is a blessing; the wound is where the light shines through.

I'm thankful for our faithful family pets who have shared life with us and made our lives better in ways we could not have expected; Alphie 12 years, Max 13 years, Barley 15 years, Kate 15 years leave us with warm memories. Lily 12 years, Chance 8 years have invested their lives faithfully as K9 buds, greeting us each new day and trekking to the office with me each morning to greet, meet and love anyone bold enough to open up and invite them to do what dogs do best.

I'm thankful for 26 years we invested in ministry, the good, the bad, and the heart-break.  Someone asked me several years ago, `...since you left the ministry, do you feel your years of preparation and service were wasted?` I confess on my worst days, it sometimes feels that way.  But I know better.  I am grateful...I get to use every gift, every skill, every mistake I made, and the lessons that followed in my interactions with people every day.  I didn't leave the ministry, not really, I simply engage in that life-time call in a different venue.

I'm thankful for my last 19 years with State Farm. A great opportunity to pursue another side of my gift-mix. It's given us the security we never anticipated we would enjoy. It has been a wonderful platform from which to make hard-lives easier--truly a market-place ministry.

I'm thankful for common grace, good healers and good health.

So much to be thankful for, so little space and a memory dimmed by 66 years. That said..."Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost."  

The joy of the Lord is our strength, the earth is filled with His Glory; breathe it in and let it out.

Hope is the anthem of my soul.

Life is fast.

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