Sunday, January 20, 2019

Why Jewish people?

Just last week the world observed "International Holocaust Remembrance Day." Any time this subject comes up it often leads to a question most of us have heard or have ourselves asked: "Why does the world hate Jewish people?"

It is quite simple.

First, their story is a testament about God; as in, the God who created the universe and everything in it. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6.4,5 NKJV. 

Their history declares this about God: we can run but we cannot hide. He pursues us with a redemptive purpose, loves us with an unconditional love, rescues us with an amazing grace.

This of course does not fit the narrative humankind prefers.  A narrative filled with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the boastful pride of life.  A narrative characterized by hubris more than humility.

Second, they are a repudiation to those who, once victimized, choose to remain victims. 

Jewish people endured slavery in in Egypt for 400 years; they were crushed by Babylon, Persia and Rome. Marginalized and reviled in the diaspora, enslaved again by the Russians, slaughtered by the Nazi's, only to be treated with disdain by ALL of Europe, finally to emerge triumphantly to bless the Nations; Science, Medicine, Technology, Literature, Law, the Arts...using Jewish intellect, talent and gifts.

The crown jewel, of course, was the rebirth of ISRAEL--an event without precedent, and quite frankly, of gargantuan significance.  The subsequent ascendence of this tiny Mid-East Nation gives testimony to the mighty hand of God. Indeed, never again.  

Chazak u'varuch--Be Strong and Have Courage. 


Link to WSJ "The Return of Anti-Semitism"…/the-return-of-anti-semitism-1422638910

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