Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Wall?

Someone asked me this week "Do you want a wall on our Southern border?"

What I want is a welcome mat at the front door that says "We welcome those who want to work with us to make this a great Nation with a large heart and unlimited opportunity..." AND secure borders that won't permit people to commit a "home invasion" via the back door

If that takes a wall...

More aggressive policing, detention/hearing centers located at the border to process undocumented people back to their nation of origin in a humane, effective and efficient way...

Drones, helper dogs, armored vehicles--any and all this and any other civilized measure that might be employed by a government that is determined to control egress into this Nation and protect Citizens, Commerce, and Resources while preserving and expanding opportunity for generations of future immigrants...

THAT, is what I want. 

History does not equivocate: failure to control borders leads to a failed state. Period.


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