Wednesday, September 19, 2018


I am reminded throughout the Scriptures about "the sacrifice of praise."

When I will myself to offer Him my sacrifice of praise; refusing to allow life circumstance, my mental-state, environment, personalities, music style or selection to distract me, without exception, I experience a breakthrough to worship, where a dynamic exchange takes place: Kingdom authority for authentic Worship.

I am persuaded this is why we see so much conflict around worship in the church today. Failure to worship prevents those who follow Jesus Messiah, through effective faith, from experiencing His empowering flow: from the throne of God, to the people of God. 

As a consequence we underachieve; we never fully appropriate "His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3.20

When I bend my will, God empowers me for victorious living. Will-Power.


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