Monday, June 11, 2018

the Hurt.

Last week we were forced to confront the harsh truth that life is filled with storms.  Two icons of our culture, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain ended their lives--surely they had everything to live for? 

Suicide has developed into a public heath crisis.  In 2016 45,000 Americans took their own lives, twice the number lost to homicide.  The suicide rate in our Nation is up 25% since 1999 with significant increases in every demographic. 

I'm reposting a blog I wrote four years ago when another famous American, Robin Williams, took his life.  The pressure, but more importantly--the answer, hasn't changed...

"Lunched with friends on Sunday.

Our conversation turned to events of this past week. Robin Williams decision to end his life came up. My friend expressed her dismay over the way many in the most conservative wing of our faith tradition have chosen to excoriate Robin, because of suicide.

Robin had an extraordinary gift--not his comedic gift--but the one which allowed him to tap into what being human is, what it feels like, what it looks like, then being able to create a 'connect-the-dots' visual--using words, diction and TONE. When we heard him speak we realized 'that's it!' that's me! He moved us and made it possible to breath again, he delivered relief and hope because he understood us.

Being that intuitive and dialed in--takes a toll of a person's soul. In the end, Robin could not find his 'Robin.' Don't be harsh because Robin was too vulnerable; because he couldn't believe his way to a faith-based answer. Simply learn the last lesson he leaves us--no man is an island.

That said, we all hurt; there is a healer. His name is Jesus.

'Jesus come and break my fear, 
wake my heart and take my tears.
Find your glory even here, when the hurt and the healer collide.'   Mercy Me

Follow this link below to a beautfiul expression of our frailty and God's provision...'The Hurt and The Healer' by Mercy Me.

'It's Friday, but Sunday's comin.'"

Life is fast.
Live it well...M6.8 bN

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