Friday, November 3, 2017

Its Enough.

Today's predicted high: 51. "It's begining to feel alot like...WINTER."

But that's just fine. Lawns are--almost--done for the season, the air is crisp and filled with the fragrance of fresh coffee. As the season changes and our pace slows down, a new perspective emerges.

We glance back--and give Thanks. We look up--and are humbled by "the Word made flesh." We anticipate 2018--and feel energized by the prospect of a fresh start.

That said, life happens TODAY. Today is where we live; that's all we have, that's all we need.

Its enough.

Father in heaven, may Your grace empower us to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly wth You, TODAY.

Life is fast.

Live it well...M6.8 bN

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