Thursday, December 1, 2016

Best Hope

December 1, 1862 Abraham Linclon reminded the nation:

"America is the last, best hope of the earth." 

Though often reviled around the world, I believe that President Lincoln's premise has been demonstrated time after time over the past 154 years. We are presently smarting, yes roiling over our recent Presidential Election, but if past is indeed prologue, Americans will close ranks, put our collective forged-strong determination to work, and get on with resolving the challenges we face at home and seek to give generous leadership to the planet.

May God contine to bless America; may He empower us to be people of character and good will; with generous hearts, brilliant minds and dynamic vision...for making tHis world a better place. Through Jesus Messiah, let it be.

A city set on a hill, cannot be hidden.

Live it well...bN tGit

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