Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Facts are stubborn.

Facts are stubborn.

It's easy to simply dismiss them, but then we won't--can't--make progress as a nation.

It's time Americans do what we have done so well for so long; put the best of both political visions, evaluating and applying the facts, to work and create a synergy that empowers our "We the people" political will.

The best kind of politics is not a "winner take all" proposition. That becomes a recipe for tyranny, regardless of whose in charge.

The degraded ethics of the human condition make too much of any ideology, too much. The Framers understood this on a very practical level when they fashioned our Constitutional "checks and balances." It makes governance almost always too slow, and often very clunky--but even with this, it leads to better outcomes.

Step back, breath deeply, think critically and refuse the Kool-Aid people on BOTH sides of the asile have prepared for this election cycle.

So much hangs in the balance of this election. The impact of what we do will almost certainly outlive all of us.
It's important that we get it right; "right" being a leader that will govern to the highest possible standard.

Seem like an impossible dream? I trust in the Sovereignty of God. God has the ability to change hearts and minds, empower for service and give gifts for leadership that are "exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything we could ask or imagine." Ephesians 3.20

I am voting, I am trusting God. Why not pray for guidance? I am asking God to anoint this new leadership for 2017 and beyond with an ability to lead America to a commitment where we seek to "Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God." Micah 6.8

With God all things improbable, even impossible, are always on the table.

Live it well...bN tGit

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