Wednesday, December 9, 2015

My Cyber Paper-trail.

Someone asked me recently "why do you blog? Nobody reads it, what's the  point?"  It's not the reading that's the magic. It's the writing. 

For now...back in 2000 I took an extended leave of absence from teaching, from writing and I missed it.  I felt myself begin to shrivel up inside until one day in February 2010, sitting at home, nursing Laura back to health after a surgical procedure, I decided to explore "a blog." 

 I discovered it's great therapy, keeps me engaged, demands rigorous thought and teaches me a great deal as I work through the process.  It's the creative process that keeps me on the edge.  It's like cardio for my brain and makes me a stronger thinker.  It's the creative process that God uses to move me closer to the person He has created, called and gifted me to be as I run toward the prize waiting at the end of my life.

For later...I'm leaving a cyber "paper-trail" that my friends, family...especially my kids and grandkids...can log onto and "hear" me, remember me; who I was, what my passions in life were, how I thought and what I valued--glimpse a snapshot of my enthusiasm for my opinions, my love for God, my compassion for people, my desire to make a difference.   I'm hoping they will glean wisdom about what's important, and why.   I pray my words about substantive issues, my poems about the way I see life,  my anguish over loss, errors, regrets--my hope and certitude about my future in Christ, will make a difference in their lives someday and play a role in making the hard places in life, easier...can you spell l-e-g-a-c-y?

Grateful to live in an era that has empowered me "go on the record" and leave something of what makes me, unique, behind.  
Father in heaven, may the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be pleasing in Your sight--my God and my Redeemer.  Through Christ, let it be.

bN tGit

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