Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Urgent Threat.

"These are the tmes that try men's souls..." wrote Thomas Paine in his pamphlet 'The American Crisis' published Dec 23, 1776; the Colonies faced the almost certain prospect of defeat in their war for indpendence. Paine implored Americans "don't give up the fight."

As the curtain begins to drop on 2015: our economy continues to misfire, dissonant voices disrupt College and University campuses across the Nation, Paris confronts us with the harsh reality that the world is a more dangerous place than ever before; we face the prospect of a nuclear Iran, an ascendant China, a redo in Iraq--and bitter conflict between our political parties as well as brinksmanship by our most powerful political leaders...but the fact is that virtually every generation of Americans were forced to face-down a crisis, and survived, thrived and grew strong on the idea--and promise--of the American Dream.

We must remember to "keep the main thing," the main thing. The "idea of America" has been the fuel driving our resolve to be "one nation, under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all." This idea compelled those who traveled this way before us to sacrifice, fight and die.  Indifference to this "big idea" is the real, the urgent threat to our liberty.

Resolve to do your part; work hard, make informed decisions, be a person of strong character, celebrate interdependence and respect people who disagree with you--but press them to think outside their "box" and you, think outside yours. Don't give in to fear or indifference--be strong and of good courage. Let's leave a legacy that will inspire a new generation.

America, an idea that works. Give thanks, bear down and pitch-in.

bN tGit

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