Monday, September 14, 2015


I am reminded throughout the Scriptures about "the sacrifice of praise." 

When I will myself to offer Him my sacrifice of praise--not allowing environment, personalities, music style or selection to distract me--without exception I experience a "breakthrough" TO worship, where a dynamic exchange takes place--Kingdom authority for authentic Worship. 

I am persuaded this is why we see so much conflict around "worship" in the church today. Failure to worship prevents Believers from experiencing His empowering flow: from the throne of God, to the people of God.  As a consequence we underachieve; we never fully appropriate "His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3.20

When I bend my will, God empowers me for victorious living.  Will-Power.  

bN tGit

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