Friday, July 17, 2015

Will. Power.

I am reminded throughout the Scriptures about "the sacrifice of praise." 

When I discipline my will to offer my sacrifice of praise to Him, without exception, I experience a "breakthrough" to worship, where a dynamic exchange takes place; Kingdom authority--His power working in me, for authentic Worship. 

This is why we see so much conflict around "worship" in the church today. Failure to worship prevents Believers from experiencing His empowering flow, from the throne of God to the people of God; as a consequence we underachieve and never fully appropriate "His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."

Ephesians 3.20

Start this week in Worship to say "no" to any attitude that prevents you from turning your full focus on God, who loves us with an everlasting, undeserved love. Don't focus on the environment, the music, the clutter created by leadership, the squasma of life--just look up and offer your sacrifice of praise; watch what God will do in you, then through you.

This is one sacrifice where God's people get much more than we give.

bN tGit

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