Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Physics & Truth = Glue

Truth is to living what physics is to life.

Physics is like a rail that gives structure to life.  We can't "see, smell or hear" the laws of physics, but without them, nothing works; what we do see, smell and hear is the result of these laws being applied with purpose or spontaneously.  Physics holds bridges together.

In the same way truth is the rail living rides on. Ethics, the rule of law, cultural norms, relationships, parenting, good government, freedom--to name but a few aspects of living--all work based on a set of core values, derived from the common grace of God, who wired humankind with an intrinsic sense of what truth is and an understanding of what's right.  Truth holds life together.

Truth, like physics, does not function in a deterministic way. I can ingore Newton's Law of Gravity and embrace a belief that I can float, then step off the top of a tall building. Newton's Law does not override my right to choose. But my choice to embrace and believe I can float will not prevent a very bad outcome.

I can believe that truth is relative, subject to change, given to multiple definitions or simply an outdated cultural moray. People, and cultures, can choose to ignore the truth, or worse, be deceived and believe a lie--at great peril. The reality of these choices is sobering; culture spirals out of control, chaos trumps the rule of law, justice is driven by pop-culture and becomes a "moving target," bondage becomes the norm and brokeness the face of a nation.

Life does not work without physics.  Living does not work without truth. 

"Jesus said to the people who believed in him, 'You are truly 
my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 
32 And you will know the truth, and 
the truth will set you free.'” 
 John 8.31,32
Faithful persistence in following Christ leads us to His truth.

"Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
John 8.36
His Truth sets us free.
bN  tGit

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