Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Metrics Matter

This from the closing "reveal" scene in The Delivery Man... 

"I'm a meat truck driver.  I'm an incompetent meat truck driver."  To which his father replies "You ARE an incompetent delivery man.  It takes you four times longer to deliver the meat than any other driver.  But, every where you go, they love you."

So how do you measure success?  Metrics matter.

bN tGit

1 comment:

Nancy B said...

frustrating to me sometimes is how our churches measure success by "Bucks and Butts". How much money's coming in and how many folks are sitting in the pews on Sunday Morning. While money is necessary to maintain our building and support our ministry efforts, I believe that ministry "success" should be measured by how many lives are impacted with the Good News of Jesus Christ... if ministry success is measured at all. Christ followers should all be well aware of the efforts put forth to tell the Good News that are only towards planting seed - waiting for another person to reap the fruit of leading someone to the decision of following Jesus. I recently had a colleague suggest we sell all the church buildings and take ministry to the streets. Not a bad idea in my opinion.