Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The way I saw it...

Big sigh...the debates are history and supporters for both the Governor and the President are glad we won't see them face off a fourth time.  Both these leaders earned credit for the their efforts under great pressure; America wins, what a process!

There were, for me, two "moments" in the debate--neither one of which Governor Romney took full advantage of.

The first was when my President looked into the camera and described why he'd called for Hosni Mubarak to resign. He described "young people in the streets--wanting a better life and a better future" and the fact that it just was not an option for the Mubarak government to roll over them in tanks.  I immediately said (out loud) to the TV "and where were you Mr. President when thousands of young people wanting a better life and a brighter future" were brutalized on the streets of Teheran in the lead up to the murder of a young woman, shot down in cold blood three years ago?  Where was my President in those critical days of protest and violence?  Flip, flop.

The second occurred when my President commented that it was clear that Governor Romney's foreign policy positions weren't, in fact, very different from his own.  Mr. President I would, respectfully, point out that it is your policies that have NOT been so very different from the LAST Republican President's policies--when the campaign rhetoric faded, you finished what had been started by "W." You kept that administration's Defense Secretary, Gitmo is open, drones fill the skies, you've supported the development of democracy in the Middle East, you've pursued a "kill the bad guys" policy for Terrorists leaders--with the help of intelligence obtained through rendition and water boarding, you even call it terrorism today, instead of your initial insistence of using the term "man-caused-disaster."  You were, Mr. President, "against it before you were for it." Flip, flop. 

On the big holes in this administrations record...Russia, our relationship with our allies in Eastern Europe, Turkey, an abysmal effort in Latin America, the strain with Israel and a marked indifference in our interactions with the UK...President Obama was given a "get out of jail free" card by the moderator who chose to ask nothing about these deficientcies.

As the race comes down the backstretch, the President is losing ground, what an improbable turn in just 30 days--Flip, flop.

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