Sunday, December 25, 2011

Number 58

All's quiet.  A wonderful two-day Christmas celebration with our Kids and Grandkids.

Braden (10) played, quite well, his own arrangement of Silent Night that he'd composed on his guitar--seriously good stuff--amazed at his music progress since getting his instrument last Christmas.  Kellen (6 in three days) was busy shopping on Amazon for "treasure" (aka "Bionicals) to invest his Christmas money on.

We welcomed a new member to the family this year, meet Cosmo, Joseph and Miranda's 12 week old...toy poodle...a real hoot; fit in famously.

Movie selections this year...The Help and Water for Elephants...two great movies.  Visited with family in New Jersey, North Carolina and California over the phone, wish we could all be in the same room at the same time...but, we were earlier this year at Joseph and Miranda's wedding.

Best of all...we christened the celebration by reading Romans 5.1-11 that ends with this statement..."So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God."  The reason for the season.

Laura was a wonderful hostess today, Erin last evening.  Blessed in so many ways.  Thanks be to God.

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