Monday, May 2, 2011

Mission Accomplished...

Hats off to our President, his administration, CIA and of course our Navy Seals.

It took a great deal of courage to authorize a very bold, boots on the ground "Kill" mission, and quick disposal of OBL's remains;  great risk for President Obama's presidency, his leadership, the potential windfall for Bin Laden's legend, the stature of our presence in the world and safety of those he ordered into action.  (Recall President Jimmy Carter's debacle in the dessert of Iran during the hostage crisis.)

I am grateful today--grateful for justice, but not giddy with joy; not dance in the street happy.  The demise of OBL is another page in a tragic commentary on the continuing cost of a life driven by blindness to God's truth.  OBL became a mass murderer because he chose to believe a lie; but he didn't start out that way.  He was a son, a brother, a husband, a father...and as heinous as his crimes against humanity are, and difficult as it is to comprehend, he was loved by God, but unredeemable, because of a decision to hate.  His end befit his crimes; his legacy will be infamy.

We projected our power, righteously and appropriately; we did what had to be done. Yet, I feel sadness that our world has come to this intersection in history; profound loss as I reflect on the thousands of lives taken; heart sick because so many survivors dreams have been crushed by this Islamic madness.

Today I don't celebrate.  Today, I am reminded to pray God will continue to heal those who grieve.  Today, I am reminded to pray God will open the hearts and minds of a new generation of kids growing up right now in the Middle East, and in households around the world...may they embrace His plan and experience His perfect love in way that will transform their destinies, the region and our world.

God bless America, our President and our efforts to lead the planet to a better place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ben Well stated. But as the saying goes, "The more things change, the more they stay the same" Bin Laden may be gone, although imagine his disappointment as to the lack of virgins in hell, but you can bet he had a plan ready to go to in the event of his demise. While I believe this was Americas duty to take this evil out, we as a people will still need to as vigilant as ever, ( the stay the same part ) Unfortunately we will continue to have to look over our our shoulders.
You are point on with your prayer that God will open the hearts and minds of the next generation of the middle east and world, if ever we are to return to the pre 9-11 peace of mind we use to enjoy. Probably not in our life time. Perhaps that should be the miracle we pray for.