Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bring'em home...

Iraq needs to fish or cut bait.
Let the Arab League work it out with Libya.
Afganistan just smells too much like Viet Nam.

We've done our part.
Let the tribal tensions run their course.
Please, bring our young men and women home.   


george said...

Iraq is the perfect FOB (forward operations base) for the middle east. Like it or not we will have significant numbers of troops there for decades to come. This is an area of the world where our national interest requires the ability to project force.

Afghanistan smells like Viet Nam? Then pulling out now will look like Cambodia. 10s of thousands (in Cambodia it was over 100k) slaughtered because the American people got bored and the American left got their way.

Like it or not we have moral obligations in the world these two places matter because the people matter, our national interests intersect and that matters and we started it so we must finish it.

Oh and about Libya…I got nothing because I don’t know what a “Kinetic military action” is…

Ben "BJ" Baier said...

George, I love you like a brother, but you are wrong.

We managed two major campaigns and enforced a no-fly zone for twelve years without bases in Iraq. To promote the idea that we need a presence, in Iraq, for a base of operations is a convienient lapse of memory. We were in the middle east long before we were "in Iraq;" Yemen and Saudi Arabia come to mind.

The killing fields of Cambodia was a different civil war. To blame that event on our departure from SVN seems a reckless redaction of history. OUR final legacy FROM Viet Nam was a post Watergate failure of a democratic Congress to keep our promise to support SVN with money, parts and intelligence. In the end, their demise was about a lack of will and character to pursue defense of their freedom; without that, it became a black hole.

We owe nothing to th Afgan people. They are a proud people with a long history...and must accept full responsiblity for what their future holds. We went in to root out terrorism--not establish a democracy. A virtual impossiblity in sharply divided tribal culture.

Finally, we have the ways (Drones, Curise Missiles, Satellite Imagery, A Teams, Aircraft Carriers, CIA) and means to more than adequately manage our strategic interests and crush strongholds of terror.