Saturday, February 27, 2010

Credit, where credit is due...

Say this about President Obama.  He is courageous.  Regardless of core values; this man has convction about the ideas he has embraced.  That's a good thing.  Leaders need to "lead boldly."   Unfortunately, for many of us, he is leading/leaning the wrong direction.

But...if in the course of this presidency, this President is persuaded--it's possible--to tack back toward the middle, his courage in leading, his charisma and his intellect will make him a very formidable politician--in terms of what he might be able to accomplish during his tenure as the leader of the free world; the most powerful person on the planet. 

The courageosly face down those on the extreme left.   If he, when he, finally embraces the fact that he's not simply reperesenting the South Siders of Chitown...but "we the people"...I believe his presidency could be salvaged and become something more than simply a watershed "moment" when America came to grips with her diversity--then moved on. 

I believe it can happen.

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